Horse Agility and Calming Signals.

The goal in Horse Agility is sweet partnership, in a relaxed/forward sort of way, with the horse doing the work and the handler quietly asking. Sounds like dressage to me: Ground Dressage.

Couples Therapy or Horse Agility?

Everyone wants a better relationship, but a few things stand in the way. After what he has done, can you trust him? Is her nagging and complaining making you wish you were deaf? Do you wish he would relax and just try to get along? Does she say one thing and mean another?

Dog Agility and Horse Agility

I can’t remember who came first in my life- dogs or horses. I do know a few of each are required for my mental health. There is a slow and gradual changing of the guard, as years go on. Three dogs and 13 years ago, my cattle dog, Hero and I were pretty depressed after … Read more

Horse Agility at Infinity Farm.

Think of it as a trip to the amusement park- with your horse. I didn’t start out doing Natural Horsemanship. I started out before that phrase was invented.  Like a lot of us, I used voice commands while lunging and required good ground manners. I did the rest from my saddle; riding was my thing. … Read more

For the Fragility of a Horse…

“When we see horses galloping with ears sharp, tails flagged, and hooves churning up the soil, they are the epitome of strength and sensitivity, intelligence and timeless beauty. Even the most cynical people pause and stand a bit taller, just existing in the same world with horses.” Like we any of us need to see … Read more

How Long Does It Take To Train a Horse?

I have a herd of relatively normal retired horses. And then this gang of raconteurs, misanthropes, and dangerous characters, referred to as The Spots. If I’m feeling affectionate, they are The Deplorables because those who take such pride in breaking the rules deserve a term of endearment. Excuse my arrogance. I don’t even know the … Read more

COVID-19 with Horses: How Are We Doing?

If horse people know one thing, it’s that it’s never just one thing. Having horses also means we partner with the land. Sometimes it’s hard to tell us from our land; we bear the same scars. Colorado is in a drought, as many areas of the world are. We have the two largest wildfires in … Read more

No Small Feat. (Ruby Ranch Horse Rescue.)

Meet Archie. He got introduced by that name, but I prefer being a bit more formal with him, as a sign of respect. Archibald feels more suitable. Here he is passing time with a couple of boys in my herd, but I distracted him with a compliment and he’s on his way over for a … Read more