Reactive Dogs and Affirmative Peer Pressure
Ruby Pearl and Preacher Man Ruby lives with my friend, Lara. We both have...
Deconstructing Horse Aggression
When I got home after school, I walked in the front door, dropped my books, and walked out the back...
Famous Cruelty, Ordinary Cruelty, and an Affirmative Solution
Another story of cruelty hit the international press last week. Operation X documented horrors happening in a well-known Danish...
Bhim: The Thing About Dimensionally Succinct Horses
I've written "The Thing About" essays on Mares, Geldings, and Donkeys to dispel untrue myths and sing their praises. These...
Mental Maturity in Horses
Darryl, Darryl, and his other brother, Darryl I've never been good at remembering dates, so sometimes...
A Book Report and What We Know Now.
A bit of explanation: I grew up on a farm without a bookshelf. We were not readers. Once we finally...
For the Fragility of a Horse…
"When we see horses galloping with ears sharp, tails flagged, and hooves churning up the soil, they are the epitome...
Life Happens: The Unplanned Dismount
"I owned horses for 20 years until divorce happened," the reader said, asking me to write about it. "I think...
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