Count to Three and Jump… It’s a New Year
It's the week between Christmas and New Years. And call it a holiday tradition, but I have no idea what...
Horsewomen and the Reverse Banana Peel Approach
Do you ever just stop in your tracks, look at your (insert your choice: horse, dog, child) and go blank?...
A Problem with the Word “Connection”
I feel it in my bones like a rusty joint before a rainstorm. An itch that flopping around in a...
Problem Solving and Hay In Our Bras.
It blurted out the end of my fingers before I knew it. "Eventually I learned how to keep hay out...
The Art of Un-Training a Horse
The first video is of a Mustang, proud and breathtakingly beautiful. He's a burnished smoky buckskin, with a...
Wild or Tame: Trust Actions Above Words
This is my neighborhood. That's Pikes Peak peering over the horizon, exactly where it was when I bought the farm....
Affirmative Anxiety
For as often as we've watched horses run and thought them the most beautiful of all creatures, we should know...
How Long Does It Take To Train a Horse?
I have a herd of relatively normal retired horses. And then this gang of raconteurs, misanthropes, and dangerous characters, referred...
Human Failings, Horses, And Judgment
A four-year-old video surfaced this week and a dressage rider deeply apologized for the overuse of a whip. She will...
How Affirmative Training Was Born.
I am not a bliss-ninny. Loitering in denial doesn't work for me. I'm a blunt truth-teller who doesn't enjoy being...
The Arrogance of Training Animals Silly Tricks.
Do you follow the Iditarod, too? Northern breeds are such athletes with their instincts on full display. These half-wild dogs...
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