Relaxed & Forward Blog
Bhim: We’re Not Perfect: The Great Halloween Wreck of ’23.
In my online Barnie group, we do performance art around Halloween. My horse, Bhim, along with Edgar Rice Burro, Arthur,...
1,354th Friday Morning and Not Bucked Off
No, I’m not dreaming of a career as a hand model. My hands have looked like an elderly mechanic’s...
Being the Railbird: Anniversary Edition
Beware: Colorado Prairie Railbirds, guaranteed to spook more people more than horses. A reader gave me...
Thanksgiving is for the Dogs.
Here are two of my dogs, Preacher Man and Mister, guarding the back door. You'll notice they are facing the...
Affirmative Training: A Cowboy Walks Into a Bar…
A cowboy walks into a bar. He's dusty, fresh from the barn. Shuffling his feet, keeping his eyes low, he...
An Allergy, Spyglass Tunnel Vision, & a Valentine
Most of us start with an allergy. Our noses get stuffy and our eyes are red and teary...
It Could Be Worse. You Could Be Married to Me.
"Honey, when you're in town will you pick something up for me?" I don't quite wait for the answer. "Great,...
Horsewoman, A Computer Can Smell Your Fear…
We are horsewomen. We muck 13,505 pounds of manure a year... per horse, and you know we don't own...
Photo & Poem: A Donkey’s Years
His bray begins with a shallow panting, as he aligns the end of his nose level with his back,...
Travelblog: Introverts Everywhere
Humans spend so much time trying to “make” horses do things. I’m a little more fascinated these days with what...
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