Photo Challenge: Relax
Memoir Babies not embraced turn into sullen kids not good enough, graduating to insecure young adults, lost in bad decisions...
The Fine Art of Cantankery.
I've had a hard time acting my age. That's not it, exactly. It's more like I'm straddling the Grand Canyon...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Narrow
He takes a narrow view of rain and a chill wind. He takes a narrow view of sharp voices, quick...
A Lesson about Squeamishness and a Donkey.
Look, it's a selfie of me mucking last week. I like to get an early start in the summer. Over...
Weekly Photo & Poem Challenge: Spare
She’s a spare donkey, no longer of use since the cattle were sold, since the rancher moved to town. She’s...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Face
“Curiosity is a sign of courage,” my trainer said, hushing my correction. Enthusiastic praise for my colt chasing her...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Earth
Proclaim the ordinary for its singular wonder. Anna Blake, Infinity Farm. (WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Dance
Ay yi yi yi...Tequila Spring on the Prairie. For Edgar Rice Burro it's all about a longear tango of arc...
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