Nube: The Final Chapter
Over the next thirteen years of retirement, Nube napped with friends, ate well, and stood quietly for the farrier. I...
Recording the Arc of Your Horse’s Life
The foal's name was Sunny, his registered name Sunbrite Sunset. This photo was taken just before we met. The rest...
Independence, Liberty, and My Personal Shining Sea
It's officially mucking-in-a-muumuu weather here at Infinity Farm. The horses all stand in the barn's shade and watch me fling...
Overthinking an Undomesticated Budgie
A bright blue flick of movement, almost too small to see. White feathers spark the light, even more startling than...
An Affirmation of a Life Shared with Animals.
It's springtime in the Rockies. The time change was last weekend, so I'm waking up at three am now, but...
Resolutions and Horse Dreams
It's the twilight zone between holidays, meandering like a long, slow-motion hangover. I have no idea what day it is...
Euthanizing Your Horse: How to Trust Yourself
It's colder now. The leaves are gone. The wind charges at us from the north, and the temperature drops ten...
Nube: How We Met
one year later... I was forty- nine years old, and my upcoming birthday was hanging in...
Calming Signals: Adjusting the Volume of Quiet
It's been quiet here. Winter is good for that and we haven't had a day above freezing in a while....
Loafing in Limbo: Hibernation as a Training Aid
We are in Limbo. It's that week between Christmas and New Year when nobody knows what day it is. Not...
Euthanizing and Herd Anxiety
"I’m wondering if you could address animals and grief in one of your columns. We’ve lost a horse and a...
A Love Letter to Dirt.
It's the eve of Christmas Eve and I'm worried about my dirt. Maybe the world has bigger problems and maybe...
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