Nube: The Final Chapter
Over the next thirteen years of retirement, Nube napped with friends, ate well, and stood quietly for the farrier. I...
Nube: What Retirement Means
And so, Nube [pronounced new-bay] retired in limbo. Undiagnosable. Sometimes, the solution for a long-running struggle is to just stop...
Nube: Undiagnosable
I hope I'm not going to end up writing some kind of justification for harsh training. Usually, it's easier than...
Nube: More Dark Clouds and Questions With No Answers
The worst thing about remembering a horse in the past is that maybe there are current options that your horse...
Nube’s Ulcers: What We Can’t Control and What We Can.
When Nube (nu-bay) was two and first diagnosed with ulcers, it felt rare, almost exotic. People were just learning about...
Nube: A Living Lesson in “Less is More”
There's a woman and a tall young horse, moving in perfect strides together but with a healthy space between them....
Nube: How a Horse Taught Me a Canter Cue
The short version is that my horse poked me in my sit bone, which isn’t possible, is it? But let’s...
Nube: How to Train a Horse to be Patient
I don't like cameras. How you can tell is my neck swells up and my double chins flare out wider...
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