Count to Three and Jump… It’s a New Year
It's the week between Christmas and New Years. And call it a holiday tradition, but I have no idea what...
A Problem with the Word “Connection”
I feel it in my bones like a rusty joint before a rainstorm. An itch that flopping around in a...
Travelblog: How I Stole Paris
I woke up introspective on my last full day in Paris. It's the same way I wake up at home....
The Joy of Imperfection
We are sick to death of the violence against horses. It isn't just the damage caused by rollkur in reining...
Horses and Chimpanzees, Or Why Horses Aren’t Cuddlers
When I first moved to my farm, I pretended to be Jane Goodall. My land was a high desert...
Peaceful Persistence, a Horse Training Manifesto
What does "not conceding" mean? Oh, I can't wait to bray about this, says this trainer whose spirit animal...
How to Focus Simply.
I had just finished a lesson when another woman I knew at the barn came up to me with a...
Tunnel Vision for Problems and the Things We Don’t Notice
The night-feed is my favorite. In the summer, the sky and clouds are as gaudy as the underwear department...
Calming Signals and Why the Second Time’s a Charm.
Want to know the smallest thing you could change in training for the biggest improvement? I usually say doing a...
Virtual Dressage and Girls in White Shirts
The FEI passed good rules this year, and the Olympic judging held to the high side. Dressage had things to...
Does Leadership Mean Domination Now?
From a Reader: "Anna, you articulate the dance between horse and human so very succinctly. I wish it were easier...
The Dynamic Power of Consistency
We would like consistent behavior from our horses. It would be good if they took each cue with light and...
Affirmative Training: Misunderstandings About Control
You have made some changes in how you work with your horse and you're both much more relaxed. You've evolved...
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