The Middle Path: Negotiating Care With Busy Professionals
My advice: Find someone who gets along with donkeys. A question from two readers: "We...
Self-Awareness Without Apology
We aren't kids anymore. That's the complaint. Riding seems easier in memory. When we were younger, riding was rose-colored and...
Meeting the Przewalski's Horse in Scotland
Val and her son, Hulagu They're wild horses discovered by Nikolai Przewalski, a Polish-born colonel in the...
See It Through His Eyes
It's a perfect day. No wind, not hot. The kind of day that you spend most of the months of...
A Natural Instinct to Dominate
I find it fascinating to watch children talking to animals. It's almost like studying mustangs. Kids are who we are,...
The Middle Path: Lighten Up, It's All Your Fault
Sometimes people tell me that I'm preaching to the choir with my blog. That it's the other "really creepy horse...
Heart Horses
"He's my Heart Horse," she says by way of introduction. A hush falls over the room. Or maybe that's just...
The Art of De-Escalating
It's an ordinary day. Quiet, no wind. You could be on the trail or in the arena. You might be...
Building the Bubble #4. Just Train Less
It's an obstacle course, by golly. And there's a pedestal, by golly. We both see it, but one of us...
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