Edgar Rice Burro says Good Night. (Video)

It was one of those perfectly beautiful evenings at Infinity Farm. Edgar Rice Burro had been wrestling and scratching all day. Donkeys are the most playful animals I know. Just a few minutes earlier I had to take a wading pool away because he had torn the rim off. So he took to worrying the tarp… Edgar is the heart of this place, you can see why.

Good Night from all of us here: barking corgis, photo-bombing young mares and sweet old goats. And most of all, Edgar.

Peace on the Prairie.

Anna Blake, Infinity Farm.




This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

Anna Blake

0 thoughts on “Edgar Rice Burro says Good Night. (Video)”

  1. I love your world of happy animals. It brings the farm to me and the creatures I love up close and personal while I’m sitting at work. I would love to have a farm.. In my mind at least, I can’t afford one right now, and i’m on a different path, so I love to see yours and those animal faces and characters that i’m starting to love reading about pretty much in real time. (specially when I’m at work,- its like a little treat!) Plus I always learn neat things, like donkeys are playful! Looking at your animals makes me wonder,-How can anybody ever willfully hurt animals, I was reading about vet and activist in Sonoma CA.with CHANGE and ALDF. Grant Miller helps animals subjected to abuse and neglect, ‘abusive activities such as horse tripping. A component of underground Hispanic rodeo events, horse tripping involves making a horse run at high speeds and then roping it by the legs to pull it down’. I would love to do the same to them. I know you do a lot of good work with Ruby Ranch rescue. It’s sad to see.

    • I admit, I do love thinking that we all invade your computer at work with the peaceable kingdom here. And I’ve worked with horses with that same history. There is a horrific tradition of roping donkeys too, it is a brutal ‘sport’. No shortage of cruelty in this world, for any species including humans. The animals try to recover, try to trust again, and we should take our inspiration from them and keep on working against that world of abuse. Thanks for your heartfelt comment.

      • Here I am again at work, had to stop myself from watching the video again to see that donkey face and horse photo bomb. thanks for sharing your world. It’s nice to know there are like minded individuals that respect these noble creatures that we are fortunate enough to share our planet with and that can teach us how to live.

  2. I love his little Mohawk. Thanks for letting us in on One Night in the Life of An Edgar Rice Burro.

    • He always comes when I call him, and I don’t use treats. Usually he brays on the way, I thought he would here… He is a very social donkey.

  3. Wonderful. I know a haflinger that would be a great companion to ERB, the trouble they would make would be epic…


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