Photo Challenge: Solitude




Out on the fringe of
wrong, and late, and
forgotten, and just
not being a match,
hold and listen.

There’s a pause
in the critical
din, where the
distance between
loneliness and peace
fades to white.

Anna Blake at Infinity Farm
Horse Advocate, Author, Speaker, Equine Pro
(WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo–I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life here on the Colorado prairie. All photos were taken with my phone, on my farm. No psych, definitely not high-tech.)


This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

Anna Blake

16 thoughts on “Photo Challenge: Solitude”

  1. Beautiful. As Julie says, this could have meaning to so many.

    We’re in the planning stages for a LONG drive to go collect a new dog this Friday/Saturday. She’s 8, apparently just a wonderful creature unfortunately suffering from “Lady & the Tramp” syndrome. A new baby is displacing her. The wonderful gal at the Doberman rescue we’re working with and I both hope these folks only plan one child.

    “Bella” will be joining our “Layla”, last years rescue. Now she will only experience solitude when she desires it.

  2. This is what your picture reminds me of:
    When I was young and my horse was pasture boarded, I remember being alone in the night with the stars above and trees all around. I was never afraid of that dark and alone in the “wild” of a pasture. I still revel in the quiet and solitude of a quiet evening (sometimes early morning) at the boarding stable where I keep my horse. It never occurred to me that the dark or solitude affiliated with a barn, pasture, stable grounds could be scary–but I have heard recent comments (as in the last few years) of friends who are creeped out by the solitude. I. Love. It.

    • Susan, I know for me, I need it. People who hear me speak think I’m an extrovert, but what they don’t know is the number of hours before and after that I need to recharge. The other word for that is solitude… and I agree. Barns, not to be alone, so much as to find peace. Thanks for commenting, Susan. Nice to spend time in your pasture.

  3. Henri Nouwen’s book Reaching Out talks about this changing loneliness into solitude if you want to read a wise, extended meditation on this. (Might be time for me to reread.)

    I have been reading Stable Relation and found this same theme resonating with me–to listen to the conversation my animals want to have with me, and dial down the social media noise. It’s beautifully written and giving me a voice maybe with my stories.

    I’d love a copy of Barn Dance.

  4. Hello Anna What a timely and soothing post! We are in the midst of an unusual snowstorm which started Friday, and is continuing. We don’t generally get a lot of snow here, and certainly not sustained over days. The stillness it brings, and the beauty – I don’t have words to describe! To try and analyze what spoke to me in what you wrote would take away the power – and I want to sit with it. Thank you from me, and from my ‘still not certain he’s a match’ new boy. Metta Patricia ?? (Spencer)

    Sent from my iPad


    • Settle in and wait for spring… and just an observation, but seems to me that new boys take a while to become a match. Thanks Patricia. And hurry spring.

  5. Pingback: Solitude: Pole | What's (in) the picture?

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