Photo Challenge & Poem: Temporary

He has walked on from this place
into memory, this creature of heart
and spirit. He can’t remember a time
he didn’t know you, either. Named
with a young girl’s passion, this

colt grew to encompass all that was
true, the standard measure dwarfing
all lesser things. Such a life cannot
stay cramped in a worn body, tied to
a shallow breath. Has he gone to wind,

a heart unbound? Call out his name.
Cry proud tears, for you are his legacy.
He is worthy of mourning, worthy of
celebration of all you’ve become in each
other. Hold steady that primal moment

in half-light just before the sun goes to
rest; when gray horses pause in reflection
of all that matters most. In that slow fade
he will return; the dear scent of his mane
carrying you up on a silver-white breeze.


Anna Blake at Infinity Farm
Horse Advocate, Author, Speaker, Equine Pro
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Currently planning summer clinics in Scotland and the UK.
2018 is filling quickly; please contact me here if you would like to host a clinic or attend one. Check out our entire clinic schedule here. 
(WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo–I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life here on the Colorado prairie. I take these photos with my phone, on my farm. And then I write a poem. No psych, definitely not high-tech.)


This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

Anna Blake

0 thoughts on “Photo Challenge & Poem: Temporary”

  1. Though I can’t claim to be my friends legacy, he will soon celebrate his 39th birthday, and 37 years with our family of four legged children.

    Thanks so much for sharing, and making me cry in 30 seconds.


  2. Exactly the feelings when you’ve had one that seems like forever. Had to finally put down my old (37) endurance partner two yrs ago after struggling to keep him eating and not hurting for a long time. I only regret not having the knowledge to have tried something more to keep him going because he DID enjoy life. Each one I’ve had to part with has been this way – wondering if it (the end) could have been avoided a little longer. They were all part of the best part of my life – when I shared it with them – ALL of them.

  3. Your words,… your poems,… have a way of evoking images, feelings, smells (the wonderful smell of a mane),… the senses,…. and tears,… this poem and your poem “Textures”,… ohhh the tears. We are fortunate to be able to share life with,… to share moments with animals,… Indeed, we are the lucky ones,… .
    Thank-you Anna

  4. The sound that came out of my mouth was not quite human. My own grey ghost, always present yet elusive, also lingers in the half-light. I feel her. Just slightly out of reach, she watches. Waiting. Patiently waiting. <3

  5. Oh Anna…
    This sings to my broken heart today.
    I lost my best girl, my Heart horse, my Cookie in the wee hours of this morning to colic.
    “He is worthy of mourning, worthy of
    celebration of all you’ve become in each
    other. Hold steady that primal moment…”
    <3 <3 <3
    Thank you. That says it all right there.

    • Oh, I don’t call this good timing, but I do hope it helps. So very sorry for your loss, so glad you found a place with her so sweet.

      • I agree wholeheartedly.
        As much as her loss hurts, I wouldn’t change the 4 years I had with her…even if I knew that we’d have such a short time together, I would still have chosen her and brought her Home.
        Thank you for your condolences. <3

  6. Thank you, Anna, for this touching beautiful poem. Today, is four weeks since my dear friend and teacher for 23 years went on her glory gallop. She was 27. We accomplished every dream I ever dreamed of having in a horse relationship. We are changed forever when a horse whispers in our ear and we are changed forever when they give us our last lesson of letting go. Anna, would it be okay if I put this poem up on my tack locker with a few gender changes but credit to you?

    • Oh, Cathy. Yes, if there was a gender neutral that didn’t stilt the language, I would use it. I would be honored to be part of your shared life.

  7. You’ve moved me to tears yet again.This brings to the front of my consciousness the sense of gratitude, loss, and love that (always) swirls around my memories of my late gelding, and reminds me how much I cherish the presence of the very different and equally remarkable 18-year-old gelding who is still with me. What a remarkable sense of the continuum between remembered presence and future (far in the future, I hope) absence, and the sense that the special ones are never completely gone. Change grey to bay for me… This is one of your best, I think.

    • Thanks, Tracey. I think that swirl of feelings is just where some of us live. We had a sad vet visit lately and a brand new young horse came… all the feelings, all the colors. Great comment.

  8. Lovely poem. Reminds me of my friend’s Arabian who was born and died on her farm a few years ago. I was very fortunate to have shared him with her for several years. Your words made me remember him, thank you!

  9. Your words made me cry too, as others have said. I try to remind myself often that someday, the 2 beauties I see outside my window will grow old ( if they don’t die of colic or whatever before).. Thich Nhat Hanh advised us to say daily ” everything and everyone I love will grow old and die.” A hard truth. But the pain of grief is well worth the joy in having a relationship with a horse I think !

  10. Pingback: Temporary: Beach Volleyball – What's (in) the picture?
  11. i keep coming back to this and crying every time. i have lost so many horse pals, not each with the same intensity of the other, each special and so very different. part of being fortunate to share my life with so many. that “half light moment before the sun goes to rest” is my favourite of the day and i share it as often as i can with the horses that are left ( there are still 5!) and feel renewed by the quiet hush that somehow connects us. thank you anna

    • Between my client horses, my personal horses, the rescue horses I work with, and the horses I get attached to as I travel for clinics… my extended herd is huge and like you, not all with the same intensity, but there is mourning every day. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Great comment, Chris.

  12. Just beautiful. All of your poems….just beautiful. Your words speak volumes of feeling and impression. Thank you.

    -Melysa Benedict Colorado Springs, CO

    Sent from my iPhone


  13. How wonderful it is to be able to feel such joy and pain over a horse. When my heart horse died suddenly and unexpectedly from colic I thought I would never be able to love again and yet I do. They teach us a lot if we listen. Thank you for reminding me.


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