Bhim: Through Life Drama and Training Plateaus
It's been six months now since starting Bhim's Training Diary online. But time is a fluid thing for a horse....
Nube: Ulcer Nostalgia and What I Didn’t Know
I get nostalgic for the days when I didn't know what I know now. I miss the bittersweet, marginally innocent...
Human Calming Signals: I Want my Horse to be Fearless.
So, you want a horse that doesn't spook? Don't we all? Great, you wanna look for something over 25...
A Message from Heaven (for my professional friends)
I am a woman who possesses an interesting range of enviable skills. Getting surgery is not on the list. One...
Affirmative Training is Fine, But What-if…
A few years back, a pretty well-known trainer made a statement about using force with horses. Flat out, the...
Calming Signals: What Are You Really Afraid Of?
What are you afraid of? Maybe this question. Take a breath and check your shoulders. Are they down where they...
Nube: We Cheat at Trailer Training
Nube was a beanpole of a yearling. If he and Ernest weren’t trying to get me bucked off a horse…...
Worried About Everything? Protection From the Unexpected
"Want to go on a trail ride with me? The last time I was out, my friend's horse slid into...
Nube: An Iberian Stall Toy for the Donkeys
Daryl, Daryl, and their other brother, Daryl. In the first months after coming to our farm,...
How to Measure the Heart of a Horse
Have you experienced this? Someone says something that is a throw-away comment, not meant to be anything, they toss it...
Letting Go of Shame and Blame. Do It for Your Horse.
Nope. Not me. I was allergic to this color, but Hannah dressed for success from the...
Nube: When He Came Home
I was forty-nine years old with gray hair, calloused banged-up fingers, and chronic lameness in my left foot. He was...
What To Do When You’ve Tried Everything
"I tried everything," my client says. This isn't something that I hear once in a long while. It's a time-honored...
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