Weekly Photo Challenge: Celebration
Llama Line Dance. Nobody parties like a llama. The one in the middle is 18 this year- she is the...
Speed Dating Rescue Horses- and Slaughter.
“Hey, Little Red-haired Girl, I have your pony here!!!” Meet Bailey, my most recent date. If you follow my blog, you...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Family
Darryl, his brother Darryl, and his other brother Darryl. Anna, Infinity Farm.
Acknowledgement Matters.
Acknowledgement: Synonyms are credit, gratitude, thanks, appreciation, and respect. I know acknowledgement is what animals yearn for most of all. (Humans included.) Sometimes a scratch on the nose...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Breakfast
Mare Breakfast: "That old gelding- he is just like Sean Connery. The older he gets, the sexier he looks." Anna Blake,...
Part Three: Thanksgiving Every Day.
Christmas is bearing down, getting closer every day, and I continue to defiantly focus on Thanksgiving, a week away. I...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Wonder
Wonder what kind of horse that is... Anna, Infinity Farm.
Weekly Photo Challenge: Windows
Can Hank come out? Anybody??? Anna, Infinity Farm.
Weekly Photo Challenge: Hidden
Hidden can be a state of mind. I have hidden here myself. For almost a quarter of a century. Anna,...
My Barn is Haunted.
It starts innocently. Maybe when you were little, your dad watched John Wayne movies like mine did. We fell in...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Opportunity
Last week's Possibility grows into Opportunity. Anna, Infinity Farm.
Canada Goose Quadrille.
My corner of Colorado is having a particularly colorful autumn. The sun rise is later and later, but the dawn...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Possibility
Possibility, napping on her nose. Anna, Infinity Farm.
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