Relaxed & Forward Blog

Weekly Photo Challenge: Colorful

This week's assignment: Colorful. Infinity Pond. Anna, Infinity Farm.
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Hamsters Will Never Replace Horses.

Has it been one of those weeks? Everything that could go wrong–did? We all know how it feels when gravity...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Hot

This HOT photo challenge came a few days late; my last blog post was a photographic whine about the heat....
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Summertime…and the Living is Easy.

Dog Days of Summer at Infinity Farm. New Olympic Sport: Synchronized Napping ...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Old Fashioned

This week's assignment: Old Fashioned The team- Lisa Crispin, Ernest and Chester, with the buckboard: So old fashioned that it...
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Not-For-Profit Groups: Against the Odds.

Is it just me -or is a big part of the work-a-day horse world seized up in a flop sweat...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Sky

This week's assignment: Sky. It is a wonderful color, but it's the smoke from fires that created this surreal sunset....
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Get Serious about Laughing.

There is so much debate currently about methods of training: German vs. French, classical vs. competitive, natural horsemanship vs. anything...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Refreshing

This week the photo challenge is REFRESHING! Nearing the dog days of summer here at Infinity Farm, with Tomboy -aka...
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Same Old Dressage, Brand New Eyes.

I have been preparing for a clinic this weekend at Infinity Farm. It's the my favorite clinic every year: Fundamentals...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Worn

This week's photo challenge is WORN. You may have to read to see if this photo ever gets to the...
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R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find out what it means to me!

Namaste is a Sanskrit word -which means it's very old.  Most translate it to some version of "The spirit in...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Morning

This week the photo challenge is Morning. Morning is nap-time at Infinity Farm- And the very best time to share...
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Dressage: A Relaxed and Forward Ride.

The foundation of Dressage for the rider/horse is rhythm. I define that as a balanced combination of relaxation and forward....
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Numbers

This week the assigned theme is Numbers. Four dogs, one sofa. Bad math. (Howdy, Tomboy, Hero, and Finnegan) and Anna,...
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Equine Gastric Ulcers… and Sage.

I'll call her Sage. Sage was a thoroughbred mare with classic elegance. A solid bay with a long neck and...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Water

Weekly Photo Challenge: Water Infinity Pond with fillies. Here on the flat, windy, treeless prairie of Colorado, waterfront property is...
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Who Am I This Time?

Who Am I This Time is the name of a short story written by Kurt Vonnegut and made into a...
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