Weekly Photo Challenge: Simple
. . Simple: Short, Stylish, No hair product required. . . Anna, Infinity Farm.
January: The Mourning Month.
Winter doldrums: I'm dragging my feet all the way in from the arena, the ground is dry, the grass is...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Peaceful
Peaceful: Iberian Sport Horse sleep habits. Anna, Infinity Farm.
Weekly Photo Challenge: Launch
(verb)Ā launch, set up, establish, found, plunge, set in motion All that and more. Anna, Infinity Farm.
Absurd Helmet Excuses.
This week there was a photo of Queen Elizabeth riding at age 85. Bless her heart; she has always been...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter
Holiday on Ice. Anna, Infinity Farm.
Give Peace a Chance- Start in the Barn.
This is the time of year holiday greetings include Peace on Earth. We need it- there is so much conflict...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Between
Between teeth and ears: boots with a spit shine. Anna, Infinity Farm.
An Everyday Nativity Scene.
Infinity Farm is notĀ located in the Holy Land, but we are a stable. This isn't really a manger. It's a...
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