Search the horizon
Lean into the wind
Scream truth out loud
Rage against monsters.Then find ground in the
details. Rest in minutia.
Let peace float up to
meet you. Begin again.
Ruby lives with my friend, Lara. We both have reactive dogs who exploded our lives around the same time. But do not feel one crumb of sympathy for us. We gazed at our dogs, besotted. Even though, and let’s be honest, they were not easy for normal people to love. Lara says, “I … Read more
Search the horizon
Lean into the wind
Scream truth out loud
Rage against monsters.Then find ground in the
details. Rest in minutia.
Let peace float up to
meet you. Begin again.
Friendship. This week I lost a friend, taken much too young. I hadn’t been in touch for a few months and her sudden passing is sad and threatening, all at once. Rest well, my friend. You gave us so much. I am remembering other friends who have gone ahead as well. I miss seeing them … Read more