Hello, Spring

Spring, a good time to start all sorts of things, and after a period of hibernation, it feels so good.  Sure, it is still wintery, the pond is still frozen over. Frost in the morning is practically as thick as snow, even on the llamas. But I was at the Big R farm supply getting stall mats, and in a burst of spring fever, I got a new shedding blade and some Showsheen. Optimistic?? Maybe, but some things are inevitable.

Here at Infinity Farm, we have 9 horses. Some are boarded and some are mine, but we have all sorts in our family. Two horses are retired. Two are fillies, coming 2 and 3. The rest are performance horses, each with peculiarities as individual as they are. We have a nice group of unique souls here, horses and humans.

Come spring I am always relieved that the cold, short days are lengthening and that we have all survived the winter. Pulling blankets off the old horses, I was relieved to see how well they fared, carrying a good weight and looking bright. I am kind of proud of our feeding program. It has developed over years and winter is always the test.

The fillies are growing so fast this time of year; they look like time-lapse photography. Every time they nap in the sun, they get up visibly taller. They have big opinions in general, but Brisa, coming 3, is hatching a plan to be our Alpha mare. (Not that anyone but me is paying attention.)  I think if I could harness the hormonal filly energy around here, I could power the farm for years in the future.

But you know that first day of spring smell? None of that yet.

Hurry, time change,

Hurry, spring.


This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

Anna Blake

1 thought on “Hello, Spring”

  1. 3/16/2010 9:41 AM Lisa Crispin wrote:
    Ahem… ahem… I didn’t notice any of the performance *donkeys* mentioned? It is true that they don’t do any time-lapse style changes in appearance.

    Yes, hurry spring!


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