A Clinic in Wyoming With Mister

I’m giving a clinic in Wyoming while Mister is hunting varmints in the pasture. He’s relieved to say the varmints kept to themselves, but he was able to bag a grazing muzzle. He wants me to mount it and hang it on the wall.

My computer is broken, no essay today because I refuse to text the whole thing. So this is a first since 2010, just a note. Scratch your horses for me, take your dogs hunting, and see you all next week.

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Anna Blake

18 thoughts on “A Clinic in Wyoming With Mister”

  1. Sad times! My Friday wasn’t the same without your blog. Hoping the gods of tech can fix your laptop soon. Have fun in Wyoming.

  2. Sorry for the computer “breakdown” – missed the regular post. But if you got a brief respite from the weekly “grind” might be a good thing.
    Hope the clinic went as well as Mister’s hunting!

  3. Finding muzzles in pastures (a fly masks, leg protectors …) is a winner!!

    Looking forward to your next ‘regular’ post :)))


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