3 thoughts on “LFB: More with Linda and Pancho, Donkey Elder”

  1. He is used to getting treats! He probably initiated this conversation when he saw me leaving with my purse and water bottle, thinking I might have something for him. I don’t know if it will affect my conversations with him if I am a human he knows that doesn’t provide treats, but I’m curious to find out. Your voice overs are always to interesting and illuminating and in this case will definitely assist me in continuing to move forward! (Right now I’d prefer to melt in a puddle somewhere until it cools off, and Pancho might prefer a treat, but neither of those things are going to happen for the time being.) Muchos gracias!!

    • Yup, can’t imagine the heat there, if it’s like this here! We’ll see then about the no-treat person, but I wouldn’t hold my hand out in that case… Since the hand is tied to treats, it’s like a false positive. But breath is better anyway. He looks bright!

  2. Heading to Fort Collins next week. Somehow, I think it will be cooler than here, hooray! This will be a challenge but I’m very curious to see what might happen if I keep my hands to myself and refrain from treats. He had a sore near his nostril, I don’t know if you can see it on the video, so my thought was getting him comfortable with hands around his face to make it easier to medicate and avoid maggots. I see how this is a superficial layer facilitating what I want the animal to do, and not a conversation and how deeper conversation may bring about the same or better results. Of course, I haven’t had caffeine yet, so I can’t vouch for my level of comprehension ( and since I don’t drink caffeinated drinks, I think I get a lifetime pass )….but I’m going to proceed in a less handsy fashion and see what happens! 🙂 He’s also getting fat, so it’s time to up the ante and make his life less feed oriented.


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