WPC: Extra, Extra

It is hard to put into words what the thing is about horses. What the extra different thing this animal possesses that hook some of us so incredibly hard. I live and work with them every day and am still in awe of the extra space these magnificent animals take in our hearts. Three of … Read more

An Argument Against the Whip.

There is a time-worn adage about whips. Just like bits or spurs, whips are only as cruel or kind as the rider using them. Maybe. My mentor rarely rode with a whip, but if she did, she carried two. The most challenging horses loved her. Her corrections were impossibly quick and always fair. She was … Read more

Edgar Rice Burro says Good Night. (Video)

It was one of those perfectly beautiful evenings at Infinity Farm. Edgar Rice Burro had been wrestling and scratching all day. Donkeys are the most playful animals I know. Just a few minutes earlier I had to take a wading pool away because he had torn the rim off. So he took to worrying the … Read more

WPC: Split-Second Story

WDWF Take Down!!! Edgar Rice Burro is the middle-weight champion of the World Donkey Wrestling Federation. He approaches this sport with the same intellectual commitment that he uses in chess, the keen cat-like reflexes he uses in farm security work and the finely tuned verbal skills learned from trash talk with the goats. There are … Read more

Walter Sings the Songs of his People.

My friend Sarah says, “All dog stories end the same way.” I know what she means. None of us humans are getting out alive either. There is nothing remarkable about death. It’s as common as dirt. Disclaimer: No tissues allowed. Really, this time especially, if you are going to get all maudlin on us, just … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Twist

A gentle twist, a rolling curve, and a suspension of disbelief. Because why should braiding a mane be any less artistic than the ride? Andante (Belgian X TB) is loved, ridden, and braided by Leslie Middleton. Glad to have them in the herd with us at Infinity Farm. Anna Blake, Infinity Farm. WordPress Photo Challenge … Read more