Nube: What Retirement Means
And so, Nube [pronounced new-bay] retired in limbo. Undiagnosable. Sometimes, the solution for a long-running struggle is to just stop...
Human Failings, Horses, And Judgment
A four-year-old video surfaced this week and a dressage rider deeply apologized for the overuse of a whip. She will...
How Affirmative Training Was Born.
I am not a bliss-ninny. Loitering in denial doesn't work for me. I'm a blunt truth-teller who doesn't enjoy being...
Calming Signals: Love vs Understanding
The mare would not pick up the canter. She just wouldn’t. In her defense, the rider was off balance. Every...
Independence, Liberty, and My Personal Shining Sea
It's officially mucking-in-a-muumuu weather here at Infinity Farm. The horses all stand in the barn's shade and watch me fling...
Nube: Undiagnosable
I hope I'm not going to end up writing some kind of justification for harsh training. Usually, it's easier than...
An Affirmation of a Life Shared with Animals.
It's springtime in the Rockies. The time change was last weekend, so I'm waking up at three am now, but...
The Joy of Imperfection
We are sick to death of the violence against horses. It isn't just the damage caused by rollkur in reining...
Nube: More Dark Clouds and Questions With No Answers
The worst thing about remembering a horse in the past is that maybe there are current options that your horse...
Trainer Love: In Memory of Seri
Seri died this week. She was never my horse, but she is part of the trainer I've become. Seri was...
Nube’s Ulcers: What We Can’t Control and What We Can.
When Nube (nu-bay) was two and first diagnosed with ulcers, it felt rare, almost exotic. People were just learning about...
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