Relaxed & Forward Blog

A Public Service Announcement: The Answer is Forward.

In a normal week I probably suggest, chirp, cajole, beg, and sometimes yell- the word forward at least 3 million...
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Cheer up! It’s all your fault.

We've all been there: Schooling our horse, asking for something, but not getting the right answer. We try one thing...
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Is My Horse Suitable for Dressage?

The 2012 Summer Olympics concluded this week. Dressage got a bit more attention than usual, partly because of Great Britain's...
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Duke Ellington has a Message for Dressage Riders.

It goes without saying that Duke Ellington is right, about most everything. And even horses agree. But I get ahead...
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Braids and Breeches: The Perfect Ride.

There were lots of great rides in Spirit's 25 years, but this was the most perfect ride... Spirit was something...
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Walk Detention

I've been remembering my first experience in Walk Detention. It was the dark ages and I was a training level...
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My Horse is Too Sensitive (Part One.)

"My horse is really sensitive. He isn't a just a Quarter Horse, you know. He needs special handling." When I...
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“I Have Such Hope for This Species.”

Some riders are convinced that their horse has a devious plan for world domination- at their expense. Or that their...
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Give Peace a Chance- Start in the Barn.

This is the time of year holiday greetings include Peace on Earth. We need it- there is so much conflict...
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Part Three: Thanksgiving Every Day.

Christmas is bearing down, getting closer every day, and I continue to defiantly focus on Thanksgiving, a week away. I...
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Part Two: Thanksgiving Every Day.

Last week I had a bit of a Christmas rant (read) and declared I would celebrate Thanksgiving until New Years....
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Let’s Dance.

Ernest & Grace trip the light fantastic.
The connection between horses and music is not abstract....
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Riding as an Art. Literally.

I am hooked on the writings of classical trainers. It isn't that I am an elitist; they use an inspiring word that...
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Under Saddle: Control and Freedom.

The equestrian world can seem kind of bi-polar. Some of us ride like headless (brainless) horsemen with little consciousness for...
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Get Serious about Laughing.

There is so much debate currently about methods of training: German vs. French, classical vs. competitive, natural horsemanship vs. anything...
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Same Old Dressage, Brand New Eyes.

I have been preparing for a clinic this weekend at Infinity Farm. It's the my favorite clinic every year: Fundamentals...
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R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find out what it means to me!

Namaste is a Sanskrit word -which means it's very old.  Most translate it to some version of "The spirit in...
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Dressage: A Relaxed and Forward Ride.

The foundation of Dressage for the rider/horse is rhythm. I define that as a balanced combination of relaxation and forward....
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