Relaxed & Forward Blog

Weekly Photo Challenge: Beginning

In the Beginning, there is an offer of a gift. Say Thank You forever. Anna, Infinity Farm.
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Does Your Horse Answer by Rote?

"Répétez après moi." It's what the high school french teacher said and it's what we did. We repeated words after...
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The Day of the Dead: Barn Version.

You’d think that the first snow/death-to-flies celebration would cheer me up. But no, days are shorter now and I'm haunted...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: The Hue of You

Infinity Farm is a pretty colorful place, a vibrant palette of sky and landscape, with bold, iridescent personalities in our...
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It’s Different for Girls…Body Image and Riding.

What do you think when you see this photo? Do you notice that sweet S-curve in his tail? It’s the...
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This Too Shall Pass.

The temperature had plummeted to 70 degrees, with a light breeze. Welcome, September. There was almost an hour of daylight...
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The Feel of Forward.

Forward: A good ground covering gait that pushes from behind, is very uphill, and free. Oh, so free. Sigh. We...
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Bits: Metal on Bone.

The first thing she said in her lesson was that this horse had sent her to the emergency room more...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Masterpiece

Masterpiece usually refers to a work of art. My first (35 yr.) career was as an artist and I loved...
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Fear: It’s What’s for Dinner.

Ever been afraid of a horse? No? I don't believe you. Fear is a pretty natural response, especially if your...
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The As-If Rule.

“That horse has been beat!” is her opinion. Sometimes you can look at a horse and just tell. He's showing...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Future Tense

"There is nothing like a dream to create the future."   Victor Hugo. Future tense: You sit here. Anna Blake,...
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Sharing Horses with Little Sisters.

Paris and Boots, Photo by Mom. Ah, Spring! When a young girl's thoughts turn to... horses....
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They Love It, Even if You Do a Lousy Job.

Last week I complained about bi-polar February riding weather. I suggested ground-play as a positive alternative to riding some days....
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Let That Pony Run!

February is an unstable time of the year. It isn’t spring and it isn’t winter. There are a few 50...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Illumination

Isn't the word Illumination sometimes used in conjunction with saints?  Maybe this horse with a halo is a patron saint-...
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Discipline: Writing and Riding.

This week I was talking to a writer-friend about how he approached a new project and he offered to share...
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Weekly Photo Challenge: Green

Black and White is Green. This mare is young and inexperienced, with just a few months under saddle. In riding...
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