“How do I stop my horse from doing this?”

“How do I stop my horse from doing this?” An oversimplified version of the most common question a horse trainer is asked. The question comes with a backstory, a theory, and a recitation of everything they have tried. The first resistance is small, we might think it’s a cute affectation even, but if we don’t listen, they will keep at us until we do. Unchecked, the horse becomes dangerous, our response gets more frustrated and now you and your horse don’t recognize each other.

Horses are stoic. Left to polite handling, they try to do what we ask. Even if it hurts, they try. Finally, some horses shut down while others will come apart, but the symptoms continue. Horses give us calming signals when we are too pushy or loud but if we are focused on training, we might miss their call for help. We think it’s a training issue because that’s what we focus on. The horse focuses on himself because he’s in pain.

We would see if the horse was limping, we would help if there was a wound. The last thing we want is for our horse to hurt, and maybe that’s why we don’t want to see it.

If your horse has a dramatic change in behavior, and blows up in an instant, for no reason you can find, it’s usually pain. Think of a shockingly intense pain like a pinched nerve or a bee sting.  But if it’s a slow change over time that has grown to be a big problem, that’s still probably pain. Think of a relentless dull chronic pain that wears you down like arthritis or headaches, not visible but very real.

Any decent trainer will say to check for physical issues first before embarking on a corrective training plan, but many conditions are nebulous in the beginning, some not diagnosable, so the vet says “Nothing I can find.” Do we believe the horse or the vet? Either way, it’s complicated, because the horse has a scary mix that’s part pain, part conflicting messages from us, and part anxiety. It will take some time to unravel.

The quick answer from a fear-based trainer is to make yourself big or loud or carry a weapon. Pain shows as aggression lots of times; it seems to almost make sense. You might come to an affirmative trainer like me, and ask for special dispensation to use a whip. You might say kind methods don’t work. And you’re right; training methods of any sort aren’t a resolution for pain.

It all seems nebulous and we want a simple answer. We hear the ancient threats, you can’t let him get away with that, ringing in our ears. So, we decide on a Scared Straight approach. We want to fix the problem.

Look what I found in an article with an even better title than mine, Doing What Doesn’t Work, by Jitinder Kohli: “Scared Straight programs don’t actually work. Far from reducing crime, research shows that participants in Scared Straight programs are about 7 percent more likely to commit crimes afterward than those who don’t participate. This finding is not even new—repeated studies carried out since the 1960s show that Scared Straight programs have no positive effect.”

Punishing a horse isn’t a cure and now we have a full-blown frightened, hurting horse with new bad habits. Finally, we believe him, even if we don’t understand him, and we have to find the right question for his answer. Horse Jeopardy should be a real game with the winner getting their vet bills paid.

What to do while the search is on? It’s a good time to remember that horses never forget anything. First, stop doing things that aren’t working. Please, just stop. Then share that relief when your horse blows. Give him some time off. Do the health checks and ask tough questions but let him rest. Don’t groom him, really let him be. As much as we want to help, give him time to soothe himself and let his memory cool. Consider it an apology.

Patience is the first step in changing a habit. I use the word habit because I’m trying to train myself to use that word instead of “problem.” A problem might have a quick fix, we can fill the water tank for instance. A habit is something we understand differently. A girl might bite her nails, it’s a behavior that we want to stop. If we force her, like whack-a-mole, the cause will pop up again in different behavior. We’re just fussing with symptoms instead of looking for the underlying issue and then forming new habits that will be ongoing. Habit is a better word because we expect it to take time to change and we calm down a bit. Going slower is always good.

Next, rephrase the question because the problem isn’t what your horse is doing. It’s why your horse is doing it. Horses don’t do anything without a reason. We tend to think they are “just being a horse” and they are. A horse who has the intelligence to show us they need help. We must think less about problem-solving and more about listening to the horse.

But what do you listen to? We need a common language with our horses, and it isn’t going to be English. Most of us think we know their language, but if we did, we wouldn’t be in this spot. Are we going by what we were taught way back when, old cowboy myths or superstitions? Then remember all of the breakthroughs we’ve had in even the last few years. It might be time to catch up on science and calming signals. Not romantic, but useful.

Where to start while you’re waiting for the physical answers? Take a video of being with your horse and see his side of the story. His side is what you are doing. But don’t just take the video, actually study it. We must be open to learning how we contribute to our horse’s situation. Maybe it’s a small habit we’re not even aware we’re doing. We’ve probably been taught to do it, or we do it innocently, not understanding what it means to a horse. It doesn’t matter why we did it, if it isn’t working, we need to change it so the horse can give us that different answer.

So, we are patient in finding out if there are physical issues and we are patient in changing our own habits to be more horse-worthy. We work to build a more vulnerable language with our horses because it’s never just one thing, one correction, or one easy fix. The answer is rarely where we thought we were headed. We’d do better to create our own habits of curiosity and perception because mysteries are constantly unfolding and usually a little out of control.

It was never as “simple” as training.

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Anna Blake, Relaxed & Forward

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Anna teaches ongoing courses like Calming Signals, Affirmative Training, and more at The Barn School, as well as virtual clinics and our infamous Happy Hour. Everyone’s welcome.

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Affirmative training is the fine art of saying yes.

This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

Anna Blake

18 thoughts on ““How do I stop my horse from doing this?””

  1. Great article. Sure hope you can overcome FB limbo soon and be back on Facebook, sharing these insights. I was trying to figure out how to share it to FB and credit you — but, alas — my brain laughed, snorted, and moved on 😜

    • Thank you, Sherry. I miss you! The lockout is rough on biz but even worse because I miss my friends like you. Keep laughing and snorting, take care.

  2. Your insights are so relevant, even to those of us who don’t ride/train anymore. Each essay you write reminds me how I was sure I was gonna quick-fix what needed fixin’. Letting go was the best fix I ever tried.

    Sorry for your being in FB limbo. Hope it gets fixed soon!

  3. Anna, do you think that the source of a horses new habit is always physical pain? I’m wondering if the habit can manifest from emotional pain like anxiety? I fear the path to finding the physical or emotional cause of an unhealthy habit seems likely to be a lengthy one.

    • Often but once pain and emotions get stirred up, then we have to resolve them both. It doesn’t matter how it started. And both can start when first trained, which is a strong memory… so there you are. A lengthy transition back.

  4. “Horse Jeopardy should be a real game with the winner getting their vet bills paid.”

    I chuckled ruefully at this one. Don’t I wish.

    One of the drawbacks to living where we do is that we have a VERY limited number of horse vets – two to be exact – within a 3 hr one way drive. And I’m not impressed by either of them. At all.

    Given that we have one only 30 mins away, those 2.5-3 hrs away won’t invest most of a day drive time to come here, even if I beg, plead, bribe, and offer to coordinate a bunch of other appointments nearby.

    Our horse trailer died a few years back, and given our 3 getting elderly horses are pretty much only pasture potatoes there days I cannot buy another. Besides, the horse with the issues isn’t thrilled by trailering OR strangers.

    So “Jeopardy” sans prizes – except for the very rare “she looks better today, doesn’t she?”


    • Fewer large animal vets every year, everywhere. It is scary where I live, too. I don’t know a solution, but looking good today is something! Take care, Shelley

      • I was so fortunate to have a choice of vets – my absolutely wonderful practice, plus others who I was not so fond of, but could call if he & his group were unavailable. Luckily, that didnt happen often. But this was over twenty years ago – today? My go to vet for my dog & cat is also an equine vet & judging from all my interactions with her and with her partner, I’m guessing she would be very good no matter the size of the animal. And their practice is not accepting any new patients – at least the small animal part – I assume the large animal part is the same.
        It would be really scary not to have someone you have faith in, much less able to get to you if theres an emergency. Anyone with older or elderly animals, small or large, has emergencies at some point.
        Yes, fewer large & small animal vets plus far too many not accepting new patients. Like the human counterparts! So many good overworked doctors, nurses, and aides leaving the medical profession too.

        • I remember those days… Not so now. If you (I) think finding a horse vet is hard, try finding a llama vet. Thanks, Maggie

          • I just lost a friend last month who used to have llamas – Described going out in the barn & sitting with them all resting around her & humming! How it made her feel so much uplifted. I imagine you know all about that.
            she never mentioned the lack of vets, but did say that she sat with each of her llamas (i think 6 of them) on their last day. As we all do.

          • Llamas are wonderful, great to hike with, fun to drive. Mine are elderly now. Horse vets don’t generally see them, you might get a livestock vet. I don’t have one of those either.

  5. I couldn’t possibly like this any more than I do already. This should be Required Reading for everyone before entering into a relationship with a horse. It is so interesting how many of us have the idea that if there is no diagnosis, no identified physical problem, we are then likely to start assuming it’s an “attitude” issue. … and that is actually accurate, the human’s attitude with its tendency towards force is biased and deficient.

    I actually have been there myself, mystified about the path forward and how to get a forward moving horse who would not walk ahead. Did I need to show him I could be quite firm; did I need to be MORE clear in my ask to move along ? Maybe tap him with a whip or the reins ? Now with more information, we know he often COULD not do that without pain or some level of discomfort. I”m so glad I found you, Anna, and could be a better person for Zen Bear these last few years than I might otherwise have been, Just can’t thank you enough !

  6. Can I host the Jeopardy?? Love it.
    Great as always.
    Here in CA we’ve had so much water this year our fabulous specialty lameness vet is lamenting he’s seeing really odd lamenesses that he suspects are moisture related…even in stalled horses. I love him for two reasons: super practical, and when he can’t figure it out and an owner says maybe it’s a training issue, he firmly says, “No, I can see it. He hurts. We just have to figure out where. Your horse always tells the truth.” (Back on my feet, finally, Whoohoo)

    • YOU’RE HIRED! I just love to hear good vet stories, and I sure people give him some flack about this… but yay. I love him. Thanks Jane


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