Leading from Behind, Part One.

Here’s Norman, the new kid at the barn. He’s a young Percheron-TB cross with pretty wonderful gaits and a sweet personality. Sometimes he furrows his brow, confused as an awkward teenager. Like most horses, he wants to do the right thing but he can worry a bit. Considering his age and new home, it’s fair. But then, who couldn’t use a boost in confidence?

Infinity Farm is on a dirt road with the riding arena out front. Norman and his rider were doing groundwork before their lesson, just his second day of leading from behind, but his rider had found her spot and it was starting to click.  Norman was curious, marching out, investigating. He was walking an arc when all of us saw the road grader. Roaring loud, followed by a huge dust cloud, a monster fighting the washboard road. Now what? But Norman, relaxed and forward, paid it no mind. It was a moment spectacular in its understatement.

Confidence is a sign of well-being in a horse.

One of the challenges with horses is understanding what a training method means to them, compared to what we think it means. For all we have in common with horses, there are also just as many things that don’t translate. We confuse anxiety for affection. We’re surprised by what does, or doesn’t, spook a horse. And sometimes pushing a method of training can end up getting the opposite result than we intended.

And we’re human. Most riders say partnership is their top goal but often we try to train them to behave like robots. No bad intention and not in a physically abusive way, but humans do love obedience. We like to micromanage his movement, his behaviors. We even want to micromanage his emotions.

Just let him move forward. Let him find his natural balance. 

Balance is a bigger question for horses than we understand. It’s one of those things that doesn’t translate. Balance is the physical position that gives confidence to a horse. If we habitually correct, break his rhythm and alter his posture, it unsettles both balance and confidence. We might do it unconsciously by our own confusion, but the horse begins to think everything he does is wrong, the very definition of no confidence.

Horses need to move their feet to breathe and find balance. It’s primal, fundamental, necessary. The more we attempt to inhibit, restrict, and control them, the less confidence they have in themselves and us. Continual micromanaging is as soul-killing for a horse as it is for a human. We do have that in common.

Trust can only grow as adversity retreats.

Start here: Be safe. Watch your position. (Especially if your horse kicks, but again, if your horse kicks, this calm state is your end goal.) Be slow and quiet.

Leading from behind starts with a long lead or a lunge line. The human stands behind the drive-line or girth area. You can be back at his hip or away, but not up by his shoulder. You may not use your leading hand, the one closest to his halter, you must ask him to walk on from behind.

All forward movement begins in a horse’s hind, so pulling his head to get him to go is counter-intuitive to him. (One of the things that means something different to a horse than it does us.) Just notice how much that leading (left) hand wants to move and retrain yourself to use the following (right) hand.

Standing back from his head, behind the girth, ask him for one step with your following hand, while your left hand stays still. Inhale, let him take the first step. Check your position and notice that you have stepped up by his shoulder. It’s what we do. Correct yourself, step back, and stay there. Repeat as necessary.

If you’ve done a lot of natural horsemanship, he may not even want you at his flank. Standing at a horse’s flank is a vulnerable position, it takes his trust to allow you there. Go slow.

Ask again. Say, “Good boy, you go first.” Encourage him, give him time to think it out. Most likely, he’ll be shy about it. In the past, he’s been corrected in his face for moving his feet. He might not have the confidence to step out on his own. Trust him to try.

You’ll want to give a bigger cue. Just don’t. Breathe instead and recognize it’s your anxiety; it doesn’t need to become his.

Leading from behind should feel remotely familiar. It’s a bit like ground driving, but with one line. It’s the sweet position for horse agility. Or it’s like lunging, only you walk along with him, not in a circle. Most importantly, he leads and goes without correction. Switch to his other side and continue.

He gains the confidence of standing on his own feet, in control of his balance, and because we ask at a distance, he has a choice. We learn to follow. It flies in the face of domination training, but we need to create space within ourselves for a partner.

And it’s crazy-making. Notice how much you want to do it for him. Take a breath and let him figure it out. Don’t escalate the cue, don’t hurry this first step.

Trust that he is intelligent. Let him earn some confidence in himself. 

Leading from behind is a simple exercise that isn’t easy. It takes the temperature of the human half of the partnership; the degree to which this exercise frustrates you is the degree that you over-cue, so listen closely to yourself. Let this be more about noticing your need for him to get it right, or do it for him, versus his experience learning. It’s harder than it sounds.

Start in an arena. People tell me that their horses only graze if outside the arena. My thought is that grazing, stretching the neck, is a calming signal and most likely the horse is being over-cued, but still, it might be easier to start in an enclosed space.

This week, just wander along. Leading from behind, part two comes next week. I’ve always done this with my horses and last year, started doing it in clinics. The results amaze me; it ends up that leading from behind is one of those things that means more to horses than I thought. They are teaching me why and I’m listening.

Your new goal: Go explore the world in the tracks of your horse, see it through his eyes, let him feel the confidence of leading the way. Let him do it himself while you feel pride in the confidence you’ve shown him. The other word for that is trust.

It’s crazy, but horses learn from us even when we don’t give them a cue. 

We call it connection when we stand close, romantically pushing into a horse’s face, but horses tell me that connection is freely moving in unison while a few feet apart. Trust shows best at a distance.

Anna Blake at Infinity Farm
Horse Advocate, Author, Clinician, Equine Pro

This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

Anna Blake

48 thoughts on “Leading from Behind, Part One.”

  1. Absolutely LOVE this. The mare I’m working with is offended by being lead by halter and lead rope, which happens in her day job. I will happily add this exercise to our training… she will love it. 🙂

  2. This will be my carting lesson for my mini for the day. He seems confused in the beginning of our training so this may help. Thanks for this-I’ll let you know.

  3. I am going to do this. I’ve so confused my horse and he’s lost all confidence, culminating in a massive spook and chucking me off (I didn’t bounce well) This is where we shall start again, thank you, just what I needed

  4. Great lesson for us, but what I really want to do is scream like a teenager at a Beatles (OK, David Cassidy) concert. Norman is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! WOW

  5. Not micromanaging is such a huge thing for endurance riders. I finally figured this out a few months ago with my new leased QH. I ask for a speed and let him balance himself and be responsible for himself within it, and I mostly don’t even ride with a bit anymore. The only thing I really “micromanage” him on anymore is not letting him stop to eat every five feet 😀

  6. Just practiced this last night for building confidence and now you publish this piece. Lovely to read – So timely Anna and I will add all of your tips!

  7. This is wonderful and I’ve never thought of leading from behind. In a round about way I sort of do this when my horses are lose together in the arena and of course we must get behind them to get them to move their feet. I never “chase” them rather encourage them to trot on, or I’ll ask for a canter to get them moving. Other than lounging, I’ve never tried a long lead from behind as you describe and I’ll be careful to use the other hand so I don’t micromanage what we want them to do.

    I absolutely love your approach and how you communicate both here in your blog and with the horse! <3
    I can't wait to work on this and to read your next blog for next week!

  8. This might just be the ticket for my anxious mare and my anxious self. I’ve tried leading her out (the regular way) and it ends up being an exercise in micromanagement and an aching bum shoulder for me from pulling on her as she tries to surge ahead. Could you give me some pointers on what to expect when I let let her get that far ahead? I don’t want it to be more of the same = me pulling to keep her from going faster/faster… Or her circling me in a mini lunge session because she’s got enough line to do so. FWIW she is NOT spoiled, and has excellent ground manners, until she doesn’t. We just make each other crazy.

    • It’s possible that the problem is that you make each other crazy. It isn’t that she gets “that far ahead”, it about giving her the space she needs. If it’s a fight inside of her space (a 3 of 4 foot radius around her head), it’s very possible that just being out of that space will be enough. It works that way for most horses I work with. They don’t like us to be that close. Breathe. Don’t pull. Have enough slack in the rope that if she looks away, a calming signal of course, that the rope can follow her without resistance. Breathe. Stay wide off her shoulder or back by her hip. Long enough rope, so you can get out of her space. Ask for one step. Don’t care where she goes. If she is expecting you to micromanage, just don’t do it. You have that choice. Finally, if this has been the routine for a long time, then you’ll have to prove to her you aren’t going to fight. She gets to decide when you have proven that. It takes time to walk-back things that have become habit sometimes. If you get two steps and a halt, say good girl and quit on that note. Less is more with a reactive horse especially. Good luck.

  9. This is wonderful advice – especially letting them fund their natural balance before we impose our requests on them

    Sent from my iPhone

  10. Thank you Anna. Best thing i have read in a long time. I just love the way you are able to make me understand. Looking forward to noticing myself…

  11. This was just brilliant for my very forwardaholic boy, we’ve done lots before but I was still micro- managing. Allowing him rather than telling him made all the difference….we had the sweetest ridden session the net day!! Thank you Anna for your wisdom once again.

  12. Simple but not easy is so true – we are creatures of habit and the habit for years has been to micromanage. So this exercise feels all wonky from the human side but for the horse it’s an opportunity to breathe – at last! Thanks for explaining how this looks (again). Maybe with enough repetition this old mare will start to get it. Looking forward to Part 2. I’m wondering, how are you cueing the forward for a stoic/standing horse? (Voice?) And for the Arab that never stands still, what is the difference of leading from behind and just following (at a lope) after him? (I know, I know the micromanager still has questions.) Most wonderful line in the piece: Trust shows best at a distance. (sigh) Thanks as always!

  13. I love this, even though it made me cry. Tears caused by the realization that my poor horse deserves so much less than I’ve been inundating her with.
    But today we walked on a long lead out of a big barn, down the driveway and to the trailer. It marveled me. It just happened and I let it and now I find this wonderful advice. She, a fabulous Fjord, didn’t try to pull me into the grass. I had to tell myself to breath, just walking her down the drive, but it was from excitement, not worry. Thankfully for my very talented mare, she will soon be going to less nervous, less controlling environment, where a forward movement is valued. In the meantime, I’ll work on me on the lesson horses I use.
    I’m excited to see how the “boys” react.
    Thank you.

  14. I used to do this with an old horse I had years ago. We went for walks in the forests and sometimes he’d get ahead of me and I’d lay the lead rope over his back and he’d take new, interesting routes straight into the woods and I’d follow. That was fun!

    I’m learning so much from this blog. When I got my boy, he was 8 months old and no one could catch him. I used to just walk into his field and stop a ways away from him, breathe, look at my feet or at the birds, then walk away. Repeat. After a while, his curiosity would get the better of him and he’d come over to say hi. He’d sniff my face and we used to breathe together. Eventually I’d put a halter on him… and then walk away. And then come back. And breathe. I learned to be very quiet around him, very still, and it became a habit.

    Until other people started handling him and told me he was too reactive, too tense, that he shied away from any movement, so I started being intentionally louder. I made a point of waving my arms more, of not always letting him come to me but instead walking up to him (and – now I’m realising – thereby ignoring his calming signals). Being louder became a habit, too.

    He doesn’t react to waving arms any more, but I’m wondering if we didn’t lose something in the process. We still breathe together in the field, where I love to spend time just hanging out and mutually groom my horses, but thinking back, I am unsure if he has ever fully relaxed in my presence out of the field the way he used to when he was little, when I was quieter and listened better.

    I think, if I tried this exercise today, he might dismiss my focus as “general noise”, because that’s what I’ve inadvertently trained him to do. I think I want to take a step back, be less loud again, and see if I will hear him better.

    I don’t know why I wrote all of this out. I just had a moment of profound gratefulness, to my horse and to you, for writing your blog and reminding me to let go and to listen.

    • Thank you, M., for this touching comment. The world will always be a noisy place and horses and humans need to cope. Horses hear the quiet inside of us, even when we yell. It’s that internal peace where we meet horses, in a crazy world. You’ll find that again. Thank you.

  15. Howdy Anna! As my two horses began to age, leading from behind at Liberty and just sharing territory (even if 20 ft away) was pretty much all I did with them. My 31 yo mare is still with me and we have a new mare, Bella who is 14.
    I will Definitely be leading from behind with a long line with Bella 🙂 This is what the passive leader does in a wild herd so it just seems natural to the horse!
    I haven’t tried it with a Long lead rope though. Can’t wait to try.
    I don’t ask anything of mare 31 yo old mare Lacey anymore except for patience with me when I’m “too loud” with my love for her:)
    You will meet Bella when your in Texas at the end of this month.

    • It’s an exercise that tells us about our horse… and natural to do with the herd, scary with humans sometimes. Looking forward to meeting you and Bella soon. Thanks June.


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