Photo Challenge and Poem: Ascend

Riding looks as easy as sliding
a boot into a stirrup and throwing
a leg over the horse’s back. As
simple as kick ’em and they go.
The horse is a creature of habit
and tolerance. It’s ride enough.

But if the human rattle and bang
of expectation will go quiet, there
is a flash, in the space of time
between a foot letting loose of
the earth and a seat settling in the
saddle, joining spines with a horse.

In that vulnerable second, you
might glimpse an ageless intellect;
have an intuition that the inside of a
horse has a terrain of its own. Pause
there at the edge. Understand his
sovereignty. A horse is beyond our

control in this physical world but
there is a quiet place where entrance
is gained by invitation. No need to
call out, he knows you’re there. Clean
yourself up, tidy those emotions. When
you’re ready, he’ll bring you inside.

Anna Blake at Infinity Farm
Horse Advocate, Author, Speaker, Equine Pro
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(WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo–I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life here on the Colorado prairie. I take these photos with my phone, on my farm. No psych, definitely not high-tech.)

This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

Anna Blake

0 thoughts on “Photo Challenge and Poem: Ascend”

  1. Pause there at the edge. YES! It is at the edge where the creative potential is the greatest!
    Oh Anna, all of this is a treasure, thank you.

  2. So profoundly and wisely beautiful.

    On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 7:22 AM Relaxed & Forward: AnnaBlakeBlog wrote:

    > Anna Blake posted: ” Riding looks as easy as sliding a boot into a stirrup > and throwing a leg over the horse’s back. As simple as kick ’em and they > go. The horse is a creature of habit and tolerance. It’s ride enough. But > if the human rattle and bang of ” >

  3. Thank you Anna, this was a timely one given I finally got on a horse for the first time in nearly a year, just yesterday. And it was so much what you described. I just love those depths of conversation.

    Eloquent as always!

  4. Awesome, thanks!

    Christine Agosta ?

    On Dec 18, 2017 8:21 AM, “Relaxed & Forward: AnnaBlakeBlog” wrote:

    > Anna Blake posted: ” Riding looks as easy as sliding a boot into a stirrup > and throwing a leg over the horse’s back. As simple as kick ’em and they > go. The horse is a creature of habit and tolerance. It’s ride enough. But > if the human rattle and bang of ” >

  5. Beautifully written & it just takes me to a magical place!!! You are able to put words to moments that are so mysterious & with such great insight about our equine friends. Thank you for being their voice & advocate…
    An honor to read your blog ?
    Pam Gonce-Asuncion

  6. Hello Anna,
    Thank you for that beautifully penned piece. I can close my eyes to the sound of your words, I am one with moment.
    Your words bring me tranquility. ?

  7. Thank you for your gift of words during this season of giving and all through the year. You have the gift of the poet’s heart, evoking truth through words, not an easy chore to be sure. And harder yet, through work and sweat, the knowledge of the truth of our equine friends.
    Merriest Christmas wishes to you and yours!


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