Photo & Poem: Finding Voice


“Curiosity is a sign of courage,” she
said, hushing my correction. Bright
praise for my colt chasing her dog
along a fence line. That colt grew

old and died, funeral respect gladly
paid to a fine mentor, and now that
mortality hangs around my ankles,
I’ve grown stubborn, looking both

ways before ranting, not from false
deference to thin youth or the fits of
temper from old men. Just a pause
to find the ground solid under worn

hooves, long ears lean back to rest
as the whiskery muzzle lifts level
to let loose a bray joining generations
of wisdom in the sage woman’s voice.

Anna Blake at Infinity Farm
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Anna Blake

31 thoughts on “Photo & Poem: Finding Voice”

  1. OMG, I love the way you pour onto your pages for us, Anna Blake! Thank you and I trust you won’t stop until I am under that solid ground.

  2. This makes me sigh, a wonderful releasing sigh, because there is hope in the world, and wisdom and creativity and curiosity, and aren’t we lucky to have the creatures around us (two legged and four) to remind us.

  3. You’ve had and have so many experiences of loss and it’s constant companion grief. Of all the things that are hard to learn how to feel and face, especially with grace and acceptance, isn’t the loss of one deeply loved and cherished who you’ve been heart and soul connected to, who you may feel like you need in the world, the hardest?
    I hope I can learn and grow in this way too from your wisdom and experience.

    • True, lots of experience between all the animals and the loss of so many friends and family, it always seemed to me that I had to find a way to make friends with death. But if you’ve been “heart and soul connected” can you ever be truly separated?? Anyway, it is one of the big challenges, isn’t it? Thanks, Lydia.

  4. Yes, there are compensations for growing older and wiser…… so I try not to be bothered by a body that’s not as lithe as it once was.
    Beautiful words expressed from a very wise spirit.

  5. I read and reread your art, and always get a new glimmer of something different every time. Sharing your work is a blessing to us all .


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