Poetry for People Who Think They Don't Like Poetry


I had a boyfriend my junior year of high school. That, in itself, is shocking if you knew me. He was a year older and after graduating, he attended a liberal arts college in our town. It was 1972 and dinosaur computers roamed the earth.
The boyfriend did a  freshman project that involved teaching a computer to write poetry. It was all very creative and revolutionary at the time. We added lists of nouns and verbs and adjectives and whatnot. Then the Compudactyl coughed out simple sentence structure with random words filling the blanks. The poetry was pretty nonsensical but it was an era when that almost worked.
The boyfriend wrote his own poems as well; they read like math problems to me. He’d struggle for days, sweating out cleverness in unusual words arranged in shapes on the page. Art was hard work. I was a teenage girl, drowning in angst, self-loathing, and problems at home, so I wrote poetry, too. I’d scribble something on a napkin, show it to him, and well… Not quite supportive. He thought I didn’t suffer enough in the writing process for the words to add up to any value. He was right. The words were easy. It was life that was complicated.
I continued writing poems through my twenties, dismissing them as post-teen-angst drivel, and never showing them to anyone again. I was a young feminist and survivor of doing stupid things; these were not pink poems about hearts and flowers. I wrote them in my own blood and still didn’t take them seriously.
Misogynasaurus. It’s a testament to the depth of gender bias is in our culture that smart women are often our own worst enemies. Traditionally, we don’t hire us, we don’t vote for us, and we don’t listen to us. I didn’t listen to me… but sometimes it takes us a while to grow into ourselves.
A few decades later I mentioned to a male friend that I was thinking of posting some poetry. He said something sarcastic, so I turned on my heel and marched away to hide my quivering lip. Truth: He likes my writing. That isn’t what he was sarcastic about. He doesn’t like poetry. He might even be afraid of it.
For crying out loud, I’m afraid of poetry.
Sometimes poetry can seem almost unintelligible. There are big words with obscure meanings and maybe there is a thesis out there written by a graduate student that can explain it to me. But I don’t want to read a thesis to understand a poem. It makes me feel like the one in the room who doesn’t get the joke. I don’t enjoy feeling stupid.
And then some poetry might be so insanely flat and simple that it has no hook for me and then I feel too intelligent, which ends up not being that enjoyable either.
Some poetry is so floral; so pale-apricot and ruffles, so adjective-laden, so very perfectly poetic, that I want to scream with a red pen all over it. Oops. Forgive me. I’m the one who quit Brownies because they were sissies.
Maybe it isn’t about poetry. Or accordion music. Or horror movies. Or opera. More likely it’s about what appeals to each unique individual. And whether we have an open mind. And how pretentious we are about art in general.
So I did it. I gave up worrying about what people thought. Or worse, what I thought. I’ve posted poems once a week, with a photo, for the last year. It’s an act of courage: I write them on Monday mornings and post them fast. I don’t let myself over-think it.
Recently, the same friend talked to me about poetry again. After complimenting a few poems, he said, “I thought I didn’t like poetry but maybe I was wrong.” That puts my poetry in the same category as my other gift to him –Brussel sprouts.
UPDATE: I’m traveling a lot this fall, giving clinics, and loving every minute. In a way, clinics are like book talks with horses included. Hard to beat that. There are several new US locations, as well as Canada. In February, I’ll be working in New Zealand and Australia. I’m planning writing days while I’m away and very excited about everything I’ll learn on this trip. (Contact me if you’d like to know where the clinics are located Down Under.) And this other bit of news: The next book will be poems. I’d like to use a different (more complicated) publishing process with better photo reproduction and shiny paper. Is that too uppity? For all the reasons poetry confounds people? So it goes, “they” told me a memoir was a bad idea, too. 
And thanks to those of you still posting reviews on Amazon. It makes a bigger difference than you imagine, keeping the books alive in the search engines.  I appreciate it.
I’ve thought long and hard about how to get my head around writing poems without feeling a need to apologize. Without the feeling like I’m a pretender to literary élite. I’ve always believed that fighting pretentiousness was my superpower.
But I’m not the first woman on a farm with a pen and there are some personal feelings that want out. I want to praise this beautiful fragile earth. I want to write tiny stories in clean words. And love poems to horses. And most of all, I want to write poetry for people who think they don’t like poetry.

Anna Blake at Infinity Farm
Horse Advocate, Author, Speaker, Equine Pro
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Anna Blake

21 thoughts on “Poetry for People Who Think They Don't Like Poetry”

  1. When you’re the friend said maybe he didn’t hate poetry after all—that was a bigger deal than Brussel sprouts. 🙂

  2. I knew you’d come around. Poetry is where words get to belt out solos like the obnoxious piccolo I played in marching band.

  3. Hi Anna! I’ve journeyed along with you this year on the poetry experiment; I’m one of those who thought they didn’t enjoy poetry. Your poetry has been a gift TO ME so now I can freely admit that I do enjoy poetry! I love poetry when it touches my soul – and much of your poetry touches everywhere in my soul! THANK YOU for the gift so I can now proudly declare: I Love Poetry, especially yours!

  4. Oh I should tell you my “watch me” story! With all the academia nonsense that has surrounded poetry, no wonder there are huge numbers of people that don’t like it. There are many poets and poems that I do not like or even care for. ( Don’t get me started on rhyming poetry…it has to be really fantastic for me to appreciate it). But you bring up many points here, Anna. Getting your heart and soul on paper and releasing it to the world is yes, a big understandably so kind of fear that can be paralyzing to the pen. Thank you for bringing it out with honesty and fearlessness.

    • Great comment, and thank you, my name-sister. I’m always curious about the intersection of creativity and academia. It can be great, I’m sure. But humans do have a habit of overthinking sometimes.

  5. Love, love, LOVE this, Anna! I can relate to so much about which you wrote. Your poetry ROCKS! Love it, and love sharing it. Can’t wait for the book on the shiny paper w/ the photos!

  6. I’ve somehow stumbled onto this post and I thought it was great! I especially love the part about how your ex boyfriend had to really bleed and sweat to write his poems, yet you wrote them on a napkin!
    I can really relate to both writing styles! Sometimes Poetry seems to just appear on a napkin and other days it feels like you’ve been rereading the lines back to yourself a hundred times!

      • I want a poem to “speak to me” on the first read through. Maybe I’m just lazy. When it does, I keep it so I can read it over and over again, often finding it becomes more and more meaningful. I’ve had to admit to myself that, when I have to work hard to uncover the meaning, I’m just not willing to try anymore. When I was willing to try (or had to in order to pass the course), I am betting I was way off in understanding the poet’s intentions/meaning. I leave those poems to those who may “get it” the first time through (or think they do) or like working hard at it.
        I have kept many of yours, Anna. Thanks for the gifts!

  7. My boyfriend (about 8 weeks) just told me last night (as we were watching a movie that had poetry in it) that he doesn’t like poetry. 😯 I asked why not, he said, “It’s stupid”. I asked him how thats gonna work for us because I’m a writer, he said, “you write, I just won’t read it.” 😐 I don’t know what to say, except this probably isn’t gonna work because I already have a book in the making and I’m not gonna give that up!


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