*Needs Confident Rider*
*Needs a confident rider*. If you see those words while paging though horse ads, what do you think? Used car salesmen...
Wordpress Photo Challenge: Fray.
There is a place that is not the earth and not the sky, an in-between place where some of us...
You be the Judge.
“Too bad about that half pass to the left.” My horse and I were leaving the arena after my test,...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Texture
There is texture on the surface that is ruffled. It might be fluffy or prickly, sleek or unkempt. Some...
WPC: ZigZag
A chestnut zigzag. Well, more of a wave pattern, but we are not very angular here. And this color isn't...
Dressage: Cackling at the Canter.
Beach attire for the serious dressage rider. In the 80's, I marched with the Ladies Against...
Breaking up is hard to do. Is it time?
It was lunch break and the clinician came into the lounge to eat. She was an experienced competitor and focused...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Container
It's the best container for a hairy black dog in July. This is Tomboy (aka Swamp Thing.) She likes the...
Donkeys for Peace: Edgar Rice Burro, my Hero.
It was the gelding's day for the south pasture, the best turnout spot. They are athletic boys who like to...
WPC: Relic
Relics: Senior horses are the very best. The Grandfather Horse and I have been together for so long that the...
WPC: Contrasts
Contrasts show the far extremes. They show the difference; an attempt to understand right from wrong through black and white...
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