A Retirement Resistant Spirit.
An article of mine was published in a national dressage magazine in 2006. Spirit had been retired two years and...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Two Subjects
Our herd has many subjects, but here are two having a sunny shadow/play. They are literal opposites- mare and gelding,...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Journey
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Lao-tzu. The word Journey seems almost synonymous with life....
Spotless- My introduction to Dressage.
Please excuse the photo quality- it's from the 80's. I have no excuse at all for...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Arranged
It's my life that is arranged, one gray horse to the next, with some bay horses in between. Do you...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Through
THROUGH. In the dressage world, the term Through is much debated, sometimes misunderstood, and deeply desired reality. Through is a...
Walk Detention
I've been remembering my first experience in Walk Detention. It was the dark ages and I was a training level...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Unusual
UNUSUAL. It was an unusual February day. I was spending the morning in an unusual position. When I opened my...
Horse Agility at Infinity Farm.
Weekly Photo Challenge: Contrast
Contrast. Well,not so much color-wise. This photo is a veritable rainbow of browns. But there is a contrast in species....
Weekly Photo Challenge: Distorted
A distorted image can still tell the truth. This is a shadow on a cold and very windy, winter day....
Weekly Photo Challenge: Indulge
Hank would know. Anna, Infinity Farm.
Weekly Photo Challenge: Down
Down, with a Trusting Eye. Anna, Infinity Farm.
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