Brain Science and the Art of Play

It’s cold on the flat windy treeless prairie of Colorado. The next few months will be even colder but right now, we have no tolerance so forty degrees brings out the Elmer Fudd hat. By spring, we’ll be talking trash about a North Pole expedition because the horses are wooly enough and we’ve been wearing … Read more

Couples Therapy or Horse Agility?

Everyone wants a better relationship, but a few things stand in the way. After what he has done, can you trust him? Is her nagging and complaining making you wish you were deaf? Do you wish he would relax and just try to get along? Does she say one thing and mean another?

Weekly Photo Challenge: Create

We are so cool that our obstacles have obstacles! The Dude Rancher has been creating special obstacles for Horse Agility, just in time for the Ruby Ranch Horse Rescue Benefit. Anna, Infinity Farm. WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo- I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life … Read more

Horse Agility at Infinity Farm.

Think of it as a trip to the amusement park- with your horse. I didn’t start out doing Natural Horsemanship. I started out before that phrase was invented.  Like a lot of us, I used voice commands while lunging and required good ground manners. I did the rest from my saddle; riding was my thing. … Read more