Finding Sanity While Worrying for the Future

Wrung out and pooped from consecutive days of snow and 40 mph winds, interspersed with monster gusts that felt like open-hand slaps. The horses stayed under shelter until the storm broke and then dragged themselves out to open dirt and slept all afternoon. I was too tired. The difference between life and the weather is … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Wall

My muck cart is blue, with perfect balance and foam-filled wheels, and I prefer wooden handles on my muck forks. I wrote about my love of mucking in my blog last friday, but I didn’t mention that my favorite part is the wall around my muck cart. I know mucking isn’t for everyone, and I’m … Read more

Mucking for Peace.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I think we should nix all the others and celebrate Thanksgiving every month. I am fine with changing the meal sometimes, as long as the tradition of eating too much, sleeping, and saying thank you is still the order of the day. Got to love a holiday with such low … Read more