Weekly Photo Challenge: Together

Edgar Rice Burro and Holiday. Together. It isn’t that they just love each other. Edgar would prefer Holiday not lay down on his lunch. Holiday thinks Edgar has a poor sense of personal space and would like to chew his cud in peace. But they get along together. Because it takes all kinds. Anna Blake, … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Two Subjects

Our herd has many subjects, but here are two having a sunny shadow/play. They are literal opposites- mare and gelding, Arabian and Andalusian x, bay and gray- but they run as one.  Living in a herd is sharing a life. Anna, Infinity Farm. WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo- I … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Journey

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao-tzu. The word Journey seems almost synonymous with life. It’s foaling season in the horse world, filled with dreams and possibility. At the same time, the horses all score another year of their short lives. This photo is the balance between the two. But … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Arranged

It’s my life that is arranged, one gray horse to the next, with some bay horses in between. Do you categorize segments of your life by which horses (or dogs) were with you? Are the animals in your life a constant, while other lifestyle situations shift? Are you  willing to arrange your life for their … Read more