The Runaway Book Launch.

bhimedgarjump 008 (640x372)I had a plan. Not that it matters, but I did.
Every time I arrive to give a riding lesson or work a horse, I think it out and I have a plan. Then the horse has input to consider. Then the rider. I think I stick to my original plan a solid 10% of the time.
Getting my memoir ready was no different. It was like loading the starting gate at a horse race. There is the eBook from BookBaby. They do the best distribution and take the lowest commission. Then the Ingram Spark print version that will be available at Barnes and Noble and other online stores, and is also the best for international distribution. And finally Amazon. They are the undeniable elephant in the room that I can’t ignore, but the rest of the book world thinks they are trying to monopolize the industry. Come to think of it, I agree. So I was gingerly loading all these horses who don’t like each other much into the starting gate, trying to get a safe, smart launch for my book… when Amazon broke and bolted. It was a clean runaway.
I could stomp my foot and complain, but I think I have to try to catch up as quickly as I can and pretend it was my idea all along.
Stable_Relation_3D_Cover[1]The details: It will soon be available on all other online vendors, both paperback and ebook formats. If you want the book fast, it’s Amazon (link here), and order away. It’ll come fast. Within the next week, the ebook will be there as well, but it isn’t right now. And eventually  both versions will trickle down to everywhere else… If you are confused, I understand, and if you have a question, contact me with the link at the top of the page.
And in the end, writing and riding are again more similar than not. Have a plan, be prepared to change that plan, as a matter of course, but then tuck it all away and be alive in the moment. Stable Relation has launched, it’s up to the words now. Run fast and true.
Let me know what you think. I know not everyone will like it, and I want to hear those comments, too. Be as honest as a horse and I will respect you just that well.
Thanks, everyone, for your wild, door-rushing sprint to order. It has turned this runaway into a joy ride!

This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

Posted in

Anna Blake

0 thoughts on “The Runaway Book Launch.”

  1. Congratulations! Just FYI, Amazon in Germany has yet to learn that your book exists, but ordering directly from the U.S. is just as easy, of course. My very own “Stable Relation” should be here no later than 7/14, they promised; I chose the second fastest delivery because I didn’t want to wait a month… (but also didn’t want to shell out USD 23 just for shipping…).
    Jiggedy jig…

    • It will be easier in your half of the world after july 15. I actually set it up through another method of distribution, but once Amazon US jumped the gun, I was unable to get the others to jump ahead as well. Boo, Amazon but happy you are getting one. Let me know what you think!

  2. Congratulations!!! Just ordered mine….can’t wait to get it??? If I mail it to you will you sign….please.please.please???

    • Thanks, and I hope you like it. I am working on a couple of signing options, but sure, I’ll sign it and send it right back.

  3. OK here’s the deal….. I got my book, and planned to send it to you and wait to get my Kindle version to read – so the book would be pristine for your signature. Well I thought…I’ll just read a few pages to see if I’m gonna like it…. Bad plan…. I have read it cover to cover in two days, and it is no longer pristine as I accidentally cried on some pages. I also want to highlight loads of passages and I hate highlighting in a book…so might have to break my rule. One of the best books I have EVER read! I laughed, cried and wondered how you are able to articulate so much realism so well. I think there are a lot of women out there who will feel you wrote it just for them…. My horses have a lot to thank you for from this blog, but now my llama and goats will too! Feeling real “awe” here!!!


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