Travel Blog: Where the Trail Leads…


I know people who read cookbooks like they’re high-drama best sellers. I know people who fantasize wild lives of pirate adventure reading travel bloggers. It’s all good, just not for me. I like being in the barn.

Want to know a secret? I never had a dream to be a professional trainer. I wanted to be left in peace to abscess about my own horses. No, I don’t mean obsess. I only cared about my own self-absorbed riding. I wanted to be a forever student. But one lucky day, I got distracted by a herd of wayward weanlings. From there, it was like running downhill. It made all kinds of sense. If I trained, I could always be a student, but I’d have more horses. Yours.

All of this is to say I’m sitting in the San Francisco airport waiting for my flight to Auckland. I’ll be giving clinics and traveling in NZ and AU for the next six weeks. What an adventure! Not that Preacher Man, the corgi, didn’t try to trap me in the bathroom this morning.

So, this is the warning: I’ll be posting as usual but I’m so bad at math, there’s no telling when the usual Friday morning post will show up. You might have to start the coffee without me. Poems will still arrive somewhere near the vicinity of Monday. I’ll be posting more about the trip as I go, along with photos. If I’m not mistaken, I think the word for that is travel blogger.  I won’t post everything to Facebook. I could end up taking pictures of food. Oh, jeez. Did I just say that?

Meanwhile, I’m simply amazed at the New Zealand clinic organizers: Bex and Karin and Lisa and Jane and Tracey and Kim– miracle workers (and Corey, catching me at the airport.) In Australia, Megan and Tony and Jane and Kris– you’re wonderful. I’m so grateful for this opportunity to come meet you and your (my) horses.

I will confess, typing away in an airport bar, I am simply gobsmacked. Life is a wild ride; the abrasion of sadness and loss trotting along right next to bright and shiny possibility. No idea where we’ll end up but the horses brought us this far. No reason to pick up the reins now.

Thanks, Everyone. Thanks for reading along and sharing the trail.

Anna Blake at Infinity Farm
Horse Advocate, Author, Speaker, Equine Pro
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Currently planning upcoming Concept Clinics. 2018 is filling quickly; please contact me here if you would like to host a clinic or attend one. Check out our entire clinic schedule he

This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

Anna Blake

0 thoughts on “Travel Blog: Where the Trail Leads…”

  1. What a wonderful adventure for you Anna! I am looking forward to reading your next posts from the other side of the earth!! Happy travels, Corinne

  2. WOW YOU’RE IN THE AIR!! YIPPPEEEEE!!!!!!! Just want to add my 2 cents here about your N.Z. clinic organizers —– trust me they really ARE miracle workers. It is SOOOooooo incredibly difficult to pull off a clinic here. I did it for years and finally realized it was either go bald from ripping my hair out or stop trying to do it. I still have my hair……..
    Aside from having to land in the middle of what they’re saying will be a powerful (but relatively brief) major storm, I hope you’ll love us here down under so much you’ll be booking your return airfare before your final clinic.

    • It’s been a long process but they are tenacious. A storm? Have I mentioned I’m not as good with airplanes as I am horses?? Ack. (See you in the morning, or two days from now. I can’t tell.)

  3. Wow – what a wonderful trip! I always thought going to Australia and/or New Zealand would be the trip of a lifetime! How lucky you are – make sure you take advantage of everything you can – we can live vicariously thru you!!

  4. Wow – what a wonderful trip! I always thought going to Australia and/or New Zealand would be the trip of a lifetime! How lucky you are – make sure you take advantage of everything you can – we can live vicariously thru you!!

  5. Have a fabulous adventure in your travels! Lucky, lucky NZ and AU! I will be faithfully checking my email for your posts and poems. They are always a highlight of my week.

  6. Isn’t it also amazing how traveling feels heartwrenching and exciting at the same time? That you can’t wait for the experiences and you rather be nowhere else but home? I hope New Zealand appreciates how lucky they are….

  7. Dear Anna

    I hear you with not wanting to leave the barn….it is my ultimate happy place and somewhere I lose time in the most fabulous way. But this particular horse crazy girl is so glad you are coming to town ? Pretty sure my horse is excited too, I’ve been telling Lucy all about you, especially the bits about me understanding her better. Thank you for leaving your barn and fur family. To Preacher Man and Edgar Rice Burro – we thank them for sharing you.

    Just curious – have you ever published your poems in a book? They are perfect. You clearly observe and experience the human condition intently, acutely. And then the wonderous talent to articulate all you see and feel in the most superb way. I laugh, I cry, I think, I feel. Thank you.

    See you in March! Travel safe, enjoy the ride (of a different variety).
    Kellie and Lucy
    Brisbane, Australia

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

    • Thanks for mentioning Edgar and Preach, they are the ones paying for this adventure. I’ll look forward to meeting both of you. (and I’m finishing up the poetry book design on this trip. Thanks for the kind words, Kellie. And a scratch for Lucy.

  8. ‘No idea where we’ll end up but the horses brought us this far. No reason to pick up the reins now.’
    Oh! I love this!! It tastes of utter freedom. Have the best time Anna. We’ll be watching out for all the news. ?

  9. Trusting the long flight won’t be too dramatic, and you’ll have a great time in NZ, Really hoping we can eventually catch up in SA – still not heard from organiser….but it won’t be quite as green as NZ, that’s for sure 🙂

  10. Trusting the long flight won’t be too dramatic, and you’ll have a great time in NZ, Really hoping we can eventually catch up in SA – still not heard from organiser….but it won’t be quite as green as NZ, that’s for sure 🙂

  11. Hey, Anna. I turned up the volume on my computer so you won’t have to shout to be heard from such a long distance! Quoting from your last post, “You must be consistent. You must change things up.” Is this what you had in mind?

  12. So excited for you!! I hope your trial run as an international coach when you came to Canada this fall was a good learning curve for your overseas adventure! All the people you meet down there will be so lucky to have you !! I will be following your travels… and p.s … the kittens are permanent residents now- they send their cute little kitten purrs to you!!

    • Oh, yippee, the kittens got to stay! Yes, Canada was a great starter. Customs took even longer here, but I remembered you, the only one left in the airport. Wow, can I make people wait at airports! Thank you, Annette.

  13. I love your blog post and I’m so excited for your travels and looking forward to your updates whenever you can get them to us. My mind whirls with the thoughts of the cool people and the exceptional horses you are going to meet and they are all going to fall in love with you! I wish you a beautiful trip and I do hope for photos – even food – haha!

  14. Have a great time in these great places. You will find friendly people – which horse people usually are. That is especially true of ones who want to make a difference to their horses and attend your clinics. You will also find the most amazing wildlife. I know you will miss all at Infinity Farm, but this will be a great adventure. Can’t wait to hear how it goes. I’ll be thinking of you. (If you can get a wombat into your suitcase, bring me one. 🙂 )

  15. Have a great time in these great places. You will find friendly people – which horse people usually are. That is especially true of ones who want to make a difference to their horses and attend your clinics. You will also find the most amazing wildlife. I know you will miss all at Infinity Farm, but this will be a great adventure. Can’t wait to hear how it goes. I’ll be thinking of you. (If you can get a wombat into your suitcase, bring me one. 🙂 )

  16. Enjoy your travels, Anna. This will be the second virtual/vicarious trek down to New Zealand since Christmas. Another blogger I follow (Cecilia Mary Gunther at The Kitchens Garden blog) was down to visit family and took all of us followers along for the ride (via blog posts and photos). I think you’ll find it interesting. The horses will be a bit of an anchor, horses are horses and can be counted on to be their honest selves. When ever you post will be fine. Have fun.

  17. Enjoy your travels, Anna. This will be the second virtual/vicarious trek down to New Zealand since Christmas. Another blogger I follow (Cecilia Mary Gunther at The Kitchens Garden blog) was down to visit family and took all of us followers along for the ride (via blog posts and photos). I think you’ll find it interesting. The horses will be a bit of an anchor, horses are horses and can be counted on to be their honest selves. When ever you post will be fine. Have fun.


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