A Word from My Publicist (Cover Reveal)

My name is Edgar Rice Burro. I’m the publicist for Prairie Moon Press. I got the job because I have the loudest voice, and I’m not afraid to use it. Also, I’m not afraid to tell humans what to do. I’m helpful that way. 
I am the human and I used to think I had a thin veneer of control on this farm. I might have been exaggerating.
My human finally took my advice and put my handsome face on a book cover. She’s slow on the uptake, but she gives a good ear rub, so I’m patient with her. This book will sell like cold carrots on a hot day.
I do the hard jobs for Prairie Moon Press. I wrote the book, for instance. I paid for everything. He just came in at the end and brayed about it. Like it was all his idea. Okay, maybe it was.
This book has stories about all of us in the barn. And the barkers and mouse-killers that live across the paddock in the human-barn.  Even goats, and if she let goats in, she has very low standards, but like I said–my human gives good ear rubs.
We’re a farm that also fosters and re-trains rescue horses, as well as rescue dogs. The book also includes memories of those who didn’t stay with us forever but are still part of the extended herd. The thing that they don’t tell you about rescue is that it’s an inside job–I think I’ll probably always need it.
And when my human wants to rant–and she does love a rant–about being an awkward age, whatever that means, she calls herself an old gray mare. Something I respect, by the way.
Final proofs are being finished now but publishing is slow this time of year. In order to expedite the process, I’m not letting the goat help. Stay tuned; I’m publishing as fast as I can.
Look into my eyes. Now it’s my job to say, “Buy this book!” But how can you resist? There are words and stuff, but the cover is the real deal–photos don’t lie! Intelligence, sincerity, and donkey scruples. I’m irresistible. 

Anna Blake at Infinity Farm
Horse Advocate, Author, Equine Pro

This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

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Anna Blake

0 thoughts on “A Word from My Publicist (Cover Reveal)”

  1. LOVE it – and cannot wait!!! My friend/roomie just released her first book….about growing up on a farm! It’s called ‘Asbury Lane – An American Love Story’ – – more to come….this one about her parents and how they met/fell in love….and stayed together through the Korean War – and 5 kids! 😉 LOVE books about real life…..that encourage…..and make me feel less like i’m the only one going through…… 🙂

  2. Dear ER Burro, I’m glad you got your human who gives good ear rubs to put you on the cover of the new book. I have a mini-donkey buddy, Pequeno, and he’s always telling me what to do too. I think you would like him, but be forewarned as he enjoys playing with hula hoops. I look forward to reading the missive of tales or is that tails? Sarah G

  3. Can’t wait! Will your publicist be fast enough to get it out in time for Christmas? I am not familiar with burros and their work ethics…..

  4. I once lived with a donkey named Wentworth, but we called him Wente’ because of his swagger. Loved Wente’ dearly, but the issue of control was a delicate one. It was a little bit like living with the Mafia…….watch your back Anna.
    Looking forward to reading the new book.

    • He sounds wonderful. Actually I have two here right now. The other is 40 years old and routinely tries to kick me. I never turn my back. 🙂

  5. Oh what a Handsome boy he is!! I can’t wait to read your new book Anna! I’ve read Stable Relation, A Memoir 3 times and I still believe it is the best book ever! Please keep them coming. You are my hero!

    • Wow, thank you so much. I feel like it took a life to write, in a way. Really appreciate you kind words; I have a soft spot for that book!

  6. Pingback: A Word from My Publicist (Cover Reveal) – The Yellow Hankerchief
  7. Such grace, charm and beauty. And you’re not so bad yourself either, Anna! Looking forward to a great read when the book comes out.

  8. Please post when the book is available and where to purchase. I am a huge fan, mainly due to your ability to convey the necessity of treating all animals with the respect they deserve, and especially the horses who might have riders who think they need to be “in charge”, in a bad way.

    • Susan, I will be yelling in all directions! It should be in a week or 10 days, and it will be all the online sellers: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. And available from me signed (but not as fast as Amazon). I’ll keep you posted, thanks for the kind words.

  9. Pingback: Mental Focus Means Not Trying Too Hard – Relaxed & Forward: AnnaBlakeBlog
  10. Pingback: Mental Focus Means Not Trying Too Hard – The Yellow Hankerchief

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