A Call to Arms. (or how to get on the wrong side of a horseperson.)
You've had this happen. Someone finds out you have a horse and they ask, “Do you know my sister’s friend,...
Donkeys for Peace: Edgar Rice Burro, my Hero.
It was the gelding's day for the south pasture, the best turnout spot. They are athletic boys who like to...
Walter Sings the Songs of his People.
Walter, Tomboy, & Preacher Man supervising chores. My friend Sarah says, “All dog stories end the...
It’s a Riding Lesson- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Photo: J.J. Fierro. It starts innocently enough, just like every other thing that happens around horses....
Dressage on a Rescue: Doing More with Less
Andante, ex-PMU, casts a giant shadow. I have a confession. I shop-lifted when I was in...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition
We have a pen for wayward ponies. People don't always show ponies the respect they deserve. They often get manhandled....
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