Nube: How a Horse Taught Me a Canter Cue
The short version is that my horse poked me in my sit bone, which isn’t possible, is it? But let’s...
Forging a Path: What to Do Next With Your Horse.
It's that time of winter when you half-think spring isn't real. Are you frustrated with how you and your horse...
The Problem with Pre-Corrections on Horses.
She enters the barn, looking left to right. What does she think her horse might be afraid of? First, let's...
The Dynamic Power of Consistency
We would like consistent behavior from our horses. It would be good if they took each cue with light and...
Book Release: Horse. Woman.
Book Release! Available Now! Horse. Woman. Poems from Our Lives "It was a tough life if you was useless.” -Leafa...
Photo & Poem: Soundness
Centering myself behind the horse as he walks away, bent forward with my hands on my knees, staring his hips...
Photo & Poem: Spine to Spine
His back is not solid, nerves run between banks of muscle, each vertebra linked to the next, from the base...
Writing and Riding
Happy New Year. It's my ninth year of writing this blog about riding. Thank you for reading along, and I...
Photo & Poem: Soft
Hands go soft, give him his head. The red gelding wants to be braver than he is, shaking his neck...
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