Life is Good, Especially Compared to the Alternative!

The horse show last weekend was the challenge we expected, meaning surprises didn’t surprise us.  One rider with a young horse had two unplanned dismounts the week before the show. One rider trying to balance show nerves got scolded by the judge who (we eventually figured out) confused her with another rider.  Nothing that happened that day, from the poor show management to the punishing wind, was easy.

Two days later I found Sapphir struggling with colic at the bedtime walk-thru.  Sapphir is owned (just 4 months) by a Mom and Daughter who have dreamed of a horse of their own forever. I made the calls, and the vet did the initial work here. We decided to haul her to the clinic and were glad we did. That first night things didn’t look very promising; Sapphir really struggled and horses hooked up to IV’s are a frightening sight. Mom and Daughter had to grow up (in ownership terms) pretty fast. Our whole barn family held vigil for our Sapphir. She didn’t do anything wrong -no one did- and we were on the edge of losing her.

I am so impressed by my clients, breathing deep to find the courage to stand up to the moment. Each of them maintained calmness in the eye of the hurricane. Each of them did their very best and supported each other. We aren’t perfect, we fall short lots of the time. But I am proud to be part of a group with so much try, and so much compassion for humans and horses alike. (A special word of thanks to my not-unsupportive friend Bob; he dropped his day and took mine, so I could be at the clinic with Sapphir.)

It was touch and go, but Sapphir did her best too. She survived and is nickering for food and anxious to come home.  Sapphir says it is good to be alive! Don’t sweat the small stuff, there’s still time for do-overs.

(Photo: Sapphir Galaxy and Casey, full of life).

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This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

Anna Blake

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