Clinic & Consultations

Clinics & Consultations Let’s Work Together Relaxed & Forward is Affirmative Training Online Learning: The Relaxed & Forward School offers intensive small-group online courses. I was surprised by the first thing I learned. Horses really like to work from home. It’s a much more intimate way of learning and sharing for us. We have more time to dive … Read more

Calming Signals: Are You Listening?

If you are standing next to your horse and he looks away, do you think he’s distracted or even disrespectful? When your horse yawns is he sleepy? If he moves slowly, is he lazy?

Grouchy about Groundwork.

If your horse could talk, he would yell, ” Stop pulling on my face and just tell me what you want!”

Mutual Respect and Trust, at Any Size.

I love working with ponies and minis. I know it isn’t politically correct for a dressage queen. I don’t think they’re especially cute and they are certainly not safer at this size. Trust me, I know ponies aren’t toys. I remember getting kicked in the face as a kid, nothing about a pony is minimized … Read more

Let That Pony Run!

February is an unstable time of the year. It isn’t spring and it isn’t winter. There are a few 50 degree days that trick us into spring fever before the heaviest snows even come. Still, the horses are shedding, days are longer and it’s hard to not want outside again full-time. There’s no rhythm in … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Create

We are so cool that our obstacles have obstacles! The Dude Rancher has been creating special obstacles for Horse Agility, just in time for the Ruby Ranch Horse Rescue Benefit. Anna, Infinity Farm. WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo- I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life … Read more

Stay in Your Own Lane

I don’t mind getting stuck in traffic. It practically makes me un-American to say so. I don’t love it but I don’t get hair-tearing frustrated. I’m lucky to be an introvert who likes her own company. Perhaps a bit too much. As the youngest child, my mother expected me to go outside to play and … Read more

The Arrogance of Training Animals Silly Tricks.

Do you follow the Iditarod, too? Northern breeds are such athletes with their instincts on full display. These half-wild dogs are perfect. They get to run with their pack. Then they stop and all lie down to rest. They eat better than most of our dogs. And then, with very little steering, they run some … Read more

Thanksgiving is for the Dogs.

Here are two of my dogs, Preacher Man and Mister, guarding the back door. You’ll notice they are facing the wrong way. It’s not about who might come in; it’s about making sure SHE doesn’t get out. “Herding dogs,” my other dog, Jack moans, “have a little too much space between the ears.” He is … Read more