Riding a Princely Trot

Is your horse uncomfortable in the trot? He might toss his head or maybe his strides are short and choppy. Does he counter bend or feel like he can’t seem to find a rhythm? Maybe he trots that way at liberty out in the pasture but if not, you might have a problem with your … Read more

What is an Ethical Ride?

  We are great horse owners. We love our horses. Some of us compete and some stroll around the pasture, but we’ll own these horses all their days and we want only the best for them. Sadly, we aren’t all great riders. Most of us could improve our hands and do better with our legs. … Read more

Learning to Let Go: Pearl

She arrived at Infinity Farm unceremoniously. We moved a fence panel, backed the rig in close, and she pretty much fell out the back of the trailer. That was good news; they weren’t sure she’d survive the trip. It isn’t my intention to cue a circle of hand wringing, sympathy is not the goal. If … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Close Up.

Close up. Personal. Intimate. Sharing breath is sacred. No matter who does it. Eeow! You’re kidding, right? He smells like wet wool. Anna Blake, Infinity Farm. Available now: Stable Relation, a memoir of one woman’s spirited journey home, by way of the barn. It’s the story of the farm I grew up on, the farm … Read more

Golden Days and Hindsight Guilt.

These late October days are golden–sweet and rich, and as temporary as a long, crisp leaf. The sun is slow to rise and dawdles while setting over Pikes Peak. The clouds hold onto its colorful tail, long after the sun is gone. The horses and I want to languish on the tight wire between Indian … Read more

The Corgi Witness Protection Program.

Did you know there is a Corgi Witness Protection Program? Do you have room for a dog with a history? It’s the one year anniversary of the day that Walter came here from Wyoming to rescue the Dude Rancher and I from the peace and quiet of the Colorado Prairie. He’d done a few things … Read more