Photo Challenge & Poem: Lines
Such an arc to his stride, soft rhythm as his hooves cut the arena sand. Sit tall, rider, with...
Building the Bubble #4. Just Train Less
It's an obstacle course, by golly. And there's a pedestal, by golly. We both see it, but one of us...
Time Travel, Tell Mary Oliver Not to Worry, and the New Book!
"Meh. Is she done yet?" I've held out on you. Stable Relation wasn't really my first...
Photo Challenge & Poem: Prolific
Pray his back is broad, strength needed for the precarious load he bears, the seesaw blessing and curse of a...
Building the Bubble #3. Just Move
Morning. Once she's turned out, she bolts to a soft spot and rolls, and then this. No, her tail isn't...
Photo Challenge & Poem: Awakening
It's for me to worry about a winter dry enough for early grass fires, mine the worry for a...
Building the Bubble #2. Just Converse
One of us flaps our legs while standing still, banging our boots in the stirrups, twisting around in the...
Photo Challenge & Poem: Smile
A proud gray horse with a soft eye. Dwarfed by his manner, I almost don’t feel the barb of his...
Building the Bubble #1. Just Notice
Here's last week's Pretending to be a Horse scenario, from the equine point of view, abbreviated for sense-limited humans. His...
Photo Challenge and Poem: Rise/Set
What is it about a sunset that I cannot look away? Trying to make out a small movement, barely...
Pretending to Be a Horse
There was a time, while I was in junior high school, that I rode my horse on the road. Lots...
Reframing Competition as Relationship
We were playing around after a lesson, laughing about the curse of being spokesmodels for my blog photos. She leans forward...
Photo Challenge & Poem: Rather
Lying in bed, head deep under, the covers folded so it's dark and warm, and just a thread of fresh...
What Trainers Do You Like?
I often get asked what I think of other trainers. Sometimes I have no idea who the trainer is, any...
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