Thankful for You.
I'm doing something different today, in the spirit of Thanksgiving. When I started my blog, almost eight years ago...
Photo Challenge: Magic
Not other than here. Not other than now. Not other than normal. ... Anna Blake at Infinity Farm Horse Advocate,...
The Passion to Punish
First, last, and always, this is the truth about communication with animals: Punishment is the lowest form of expression. A...
Photo Challenge: Tiny
Feel that tiny instant just after the thrust, the silence of soaring with hooves thundering down below. The push of...
Word Geek Needs Prom Date
“She’s insufferable with this stupid human game. What’s wrong with tossing a ball? We try to...
Winterizing the Compassion Fatigue. Again.
Chatting lightly about weather is considered the tiniest of small talk, unless you live outside the urban bubble. We take...
Photo Challenge: Chaos
There's a kind of grace in the slippery unbalance of chaos when I remember it's only the rear entrance of...
Bite Your Tongue.
It's an election year and I'm a politics geek. There, I said it. But the rhetoric is deafening. Sometimes there...
Photo Challenge: Transmogrify
Time and shadow blurred our edges until we became each other in a shared breath never fully exhaled. Anna Blake...
The Best Reasons to Stop Riding
I think I've heard all the clichés about change that I can stand. At a certain age, we don't...
Photo Challenge: Local
As vast as mountains silhouetted and layered angled across the horizon. As close as whispers of breath, nostril to flank,...
Riding the Inside of Your Horse
When I was just a dressage-princess-wannabe, before I became a full-blown Dressage Queen, I thought dressage riders all wore a kind...
Photo Challenge: H2O
A thread flows affirming life with a humble reminder we’re only nests made of frail twigs, stray hairs, a cooled...
A Serenity Prayer For Both of You
The seasons are changing and the air feels cooler. That's what you notice, but your horse seems just a bit...
The Devil Is In the Details
How to create a homemade project that looks professional and inviting and even artistic--that's the dilemma. I would love...
Photo Challenge: Nostalgia
In a dark rosy blur of nostalgia, free of time and fear, images rise to tell the story of who we became, just a half-step...
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