Victim of Love: The In-Your-Pocket Horse.

-Written by request from another trainer. Nothing I am about to say is new, just hoping to provoke thought. “He’s an in your pocket sort of horse.” It’s a description you see in horse ads sometimes and it’s probably the seller’s intention to say the horse is friendly. Maybe a bit too friendly- fussy, agitated, … Read more

The Dressage/Massage Warm-up.

What if an arena ride had the effect of a massage for a horse? Wouldn’t the rider feel great too? That was last week’s post and this week, I’ll share a recipe for that good ride. Phase 1: Walk on the buckle 10-15 minutes, no contact, allowing the horse to look around and warm up … Read more

Horse Trading and Online Dating.

My grandfather Percy Blake was a horse trader. They say he had a good eye, but I could never quite discern if he was honest or not. Folks respected him, but he maybe had more income than scruples. Being a horse trader wasn’t a black and white thing at that point in history, and it … Read more

Love + Fear = Confidence

It starts pretty much the same way for most of us: One day we see a horse. He’s beautiful and free, with an improbable balance of pride and humility. He seems comfortable with his perfection. Most people can just go on about their business as if nothing has happened. Some of us are never the … Read more

Helmet Advice from Your Horse.

Tomorrow is International Helmet Awareness Day. I usually mark the day by writing about horses and helmets. Every year I read greater numbers of moving testimonials about lives saved, written by grateful survivors who live to ride another day. Courtney King-Dye is more inspirational than ever. Cute photos of kids in helmets are common. Helmet … Read more

Nope, it’s Me- I’m Too Sensitive (Part Two.)

“You know what your problem is? You’re too sensitive.” Ouch. Have you heard this? It feels like being accused of throwing like a girl. It’s dismissive. This definition of sensitive means I’m not dependable, that I’m an emotional liability. When I was younger, hearing this would make me defensive. My mind ran like a rat … Read more

My Horse is Too Sensitive (Part One.)

“My horse is really sensitive. He isn’t a just a Quarter Horse, you know. He needs special handling.” When I hear something like this, I always peer around the barn to see if anyone else looks like their head is about to explode.  Is she saying that any idiot can ride an ordinary horse, but … Read more

Speed Dating Rescue Horses- and Slaughter.

“Hey, Little Red-haired Girl, I have your pony here!!!” Meet Bailey, my most recent date. If you follow my blog, you know I work with Ruby Ranch Horse Rescue. ( Rescue horses come to Infinity Farm- one at a time, for a 2 or 3 week stay. It’s a like speed dating! Two weeks isn’t enough … Read more

Part Two: Thanksgiving Every Day.

Last week I had a bit of a Christmas rant (read) and declared I would celebrate Thanksgiving until New Years. I feel better already. I followed with, “And if thanksgiving is my religion, then the barn will be my church.” I know I run the danger of offending a wide range of religious and spiritual … Read more