Walter, Walter, Walter.

WMBathroomWalter Walter is starting to settle in with us. Now I get to go to the bathroom by myself… about once every three days. It’s the kind of thing you expect from a herding dog, but being a rescue as well, Walter likes to go the extra mile.

I’ve had a couple of requests for an update, and although it’s strange that you would rather hear about Walter than another of my long-winded sermons about the benefits of dressage, here goes. Walter came here from the Wyoming Corgi Rescue one month ago (read here).

I have always had herding dogs, but I’m new to corgis. They need special considerations. For instance, corgis are short enough to fit into an empty feed bag, but too long to turn around to get out. My Dachshund friend welcomed me to the “Long, Low, and Level Club” and this might be what she meant.

Walter is 2 1/2 years old and that makes him a youngster here. During morning chores, he and Tomboy, the Briard, tear around the farm at light speed. Somehow Walter manages to out run Tomboy, covering ground with freakishly long strides for such short legs. What a hand gallop, equine world take note!

His height has some advantages, he can fit into the kitty litter boxes, and when he stands underneath Tomboy, he is totally invisible. On the low (arf!) side, in our group of dogs Walter is just about the right height to get tail whacked in the face all the time. It makes him a little squinty eyed.

Walter isn’t one to complain, but he does not really appreciate the feline sense of humor. He does like Hero, the ancient, blind, and deaf cattle dog. Hero’s a heavy sleeper, smells interesting, and sometimes allows Walter on the couch.

As for me, I love him. Walter and I have so much in common: we both like second breakfast at mid-morning and hate being in the same room as a rug cleaner. We both wake up alarmingly early and cheerful! Given the chance, we are both avid nappers.

I do have one compliant. Initially there was a serious tongue problem. Although his spit was working really well as hair product, I felt there was a legitimate concern about dehydration. The licking had to stop, so I’m teaching him to hug instead. It’s a tradition among Blake dogs.

Walter still quacks and yodels all day long, usually in response to the Dude Rancher, who now quacks and yodels all day as well. I guess being bi-lingual is good and Walter does have a need to be heard.

Last week I went to the Denver Dog Show and saw some of Walter’s relatives. He doesn’t look like them: His back is too long and lean, his legs aren’t straight. I don’t expect that Walter came from a very ethical breeder. It isn’t a surprise. This is where I say rescue dogs are a wonderful choice, but if you do buy from a breeder, be careful. Puppy mills wear excellent disguises these days and it’s easy to be tricked.

WMWalterCatWalter still worries some. Will he be moving again? A few too many times a day, Walter gently puts his feet on my lap, and looks me square in the eye. I close my knees on either side to steady him and he leans his head rakishly to the side and gives me a big smile. Corgi lips curl at the corners and he flashes every tooth in this mouth. Walter’s trying hard to look both adorable and irresistible. But as his nose rises, gravity pulls his ears back, which pulls his the skin on his forehead to reveal the white of his eye. He gets that slightly alarmed and dazed look seen on women have who have had too much plastic surgery.

Relax, Walter. You don’t have to try so hard. You’re home.

Anna (Corgeek) Blake, Infinity Farm.

This blog is free, and it always will be. Free to read, but also free of ads because I turn away sponsorships and pay to keep ads off my site. I like to read a clean page and think you do too. If you appreciate the work I do, or if your horse does, consider making a donation.

Anna Blake

14 thoughts on “Walter, Walter, Walter.”

  1. Walter Walter Walter, the running challenge with Livvie still stands And next time you wonder about space in the bathroom, just think about it with a Briard and a Zoi pup..

  2. Walter made me laugh out loud. I love hearing how he’s finding his place! I am lucky auntie to several corgis. The one I’m closest too believes I am (very unluckily) the densest human on the planet. He gives an “open gate” command: sits square to it, stares intently at latch, stares intently at me, stares intently at latch. It’s rarely the right time to open it. After awhile he heaves a sigh, licks me reassuringly once on the hand (“it’s okay. You can’t help your intelligence”) and makes his way disheartedly back into the house.

    Yay for you and Walter!

  3. oh he is so adorable !!! Poor fellow I know how he feels!!

    Pamela [email protected]

    The truth is, I’d rather be with horses than with most people. I’d rather scrub buckets than scrub dishes. I’d rather go to a tack shop than go to a shopping mall. I’d Rather clean a stall than clean my house, and I much prefer horse crap to BULLCRAP..

  4. Walter is adorable! So glad you have given him a wonderful new home. We just adopted a corgi mix, who is also adorable (Must be a corgi thing). She wakes up every morning with her eye liner on perfectly. How do they do that?


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