Enough with the Bliss-Ninny Platitudes!
You have to go into his hole with him and lead him out. That’s why they call it leadership.
You have to go into his hole with him and lead him out. That’s why they call it leadership.
“In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world…” –Wikipedia An unneeded bit of fluff will soon be devoured by the soil; the sky meets the earth. It’s a sharp contrast for just this moment: Weightless to density, lightness to dark, … Read more
No matter how many times I’ve done this introduction, it never gets old.
Cats curl in a circle more often this time of year. Eliminating extremities makes her nose warmer than mine, for sure. This is Squirrel; she’s an old cat–a little stiff with a few more pointy bones every year. We lost her brother recently and taking over for him has been…well…satisfying. But right now, her circle … Read more
King was just the exact sweet kind of bad that could ruin you for needlepoint or gardening.
Less suffering, more gratitude.
Like a skater on ice, strong and effortless. Anna Blake, Infinity Farm (WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo–I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life here on the Colorado prairie. My photos are taken with my phone, on my farm. No psych, definitely not high tech.) … Read more
Gathering. Well, it’s one of my favorite things. A sweet meditative time with the good company of Edgar Rice Burro and the rest of my herd. Manure is the physical confirmation of everyone’s health; it’s the still time that my eyes run each body for injuries. Not to mention, it’s my greatest mental luxury. I … Read more
What it means to be the “other” kind.
It’s less about defending spiritual beliefs and more about finding a safe haven.