Weekly Photo Challenge: Gathering

Gathering. Well, it’s one of my favorite things. A sweet meditative time with the good company of Edgar Rice Burro and the rest of my herd. Manure is the physical confirmation of everyone’s health; it’s the still time that my eyes run each body for injuries. Not to mention, it’s my greatest mental luxury. I … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Motion.


It’s all fun and games until…


…somebody takes a dive.

(He’s fine. He meant to do that.)

Anna Blake, Infinity Farm.


Weekly Photo Challenge- Express Yourself.

Yes, the right to free speech is alive and well here at Infinity Farm, and since this week’s  prompt is Express Yourself, we invite you to chime in. This stuff never gets old–let’s hear your puns about old goats and my ass. Fire away! Anna Blake, Infinity Farm. Please consider following my author blog at … Read more

WordPress Photo Challenge: Dialogue

A dialogue with teeth: A conversation with a donkey always, always involves reciprocation… just so you know. Anna Blake, Infinity Farm. WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo- I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life here on the Colorado prairie. My photos are taken with my phone, … Read more

Edgar Rice Burro says Good Night. (Video)

It was one of those perfectly beautiful evenings at Infinity Farm. Edgar Rice Burro had been wrestling and scratching all day. Donkeys are the most playful animals I know. Just a few minutes earlier I had to take a wading pool away because he had torn the rim off. So he took to worrying the … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Eerie

Eary: The farm version. (And just the way we like him.) Anna Blake, Infinity Farm. WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo- I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life here on the Colorado prairie. My photos are taken with my phone. No psych, definitely not high-tech.

An October Romance.

It was innocent. They were looking for companionship, that’s all. Each had suffered a loss and they were drifting a bit, hoping to find a friend. Nobody said anything about falling in love. Sumo came to Infinity Farm as a kid with his twin Elvis, 12 years ago. They were always carefree and ornery goats, … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: From Lines to Patterns

It’s an Equine Line. They do it a lot. They sleep in lines, walk in lines, graze in lines. Here two horses walk with Edgar Rice Burro, an equine cousin, trying to look as much like him as they can. Same ears, same eyes. Edgar is a bit of an inspiration around here, not just … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge – Fleeting

Fleeting. Fleet of feet. Usually, I would post a photo of my Iberian Sport Horses galloping together, athletic and bold, but Edgar Rice Burro demands an equal opportunity. He says it isn’t about length of neck and push from behind. He says grading on the curve is the fair way. Edgar Rice Burro, in a … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: In the Background

There was a full moon my first night here at Infinity Farm, almost 14 years ago. It was nearly as bright as broad daylight. Our Clara (Claro d’Luna) was born ‘by the light of the moon’, we all stayed up to welcome her. The moon rules this farm, politely in the background. Anna Blake, Infinity … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Lunchtime

I confess that I do not understand taking pictures of food. Nothing against it, I just don’t get it. Unless of course, there has been some level of disrespect shown to a certain donkey, Edgar Rice Burro. He says, “Not only did Holiday march over, arrogant as you please, and eat my lunch! Then he … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Wrong

If Loving You Is Wrong– I Don’t Want To Be Right. Sing along. Edgar Rice Burro and Anna, Infinity Farm. WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo- I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life here on the Colorado prairie. My photos are taken with my phone. No … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment

The llamas are having a fleeting moment. Edgar Rice Burro is day dreaming about being a fleeting llama. Life is good on the Farm. Anna, Infinity Farm. WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo- I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life here on the Colorado prairie. My … Read more

Edgar Rice Burro's Theatrical Debut…

… and what donkeys offer the real life dressage world. We’re just home from Edgar Rice Burro’s debut in the dramatic presentation of “The Laonia Gold Mining Company” at the Travel Port Campground and Mini Storage, in Lake George, Colorado. (I do not make this stuff up.) The Friends of the Lake George Library have … Read more