Horses and Common Sense.

Not long after I moved to the farm, a friend brought her two young kids out. We all walked the pens, petting and learning the names of llamas and goats. Were both boys younger than four? I saddled up my safest horse and climbed on. The horse was tall, and it was a hoist as … Read more

Social Media , Consequences, and Strange Birds

Social media is a bit like a snake pit. There are some snakes that are beautiful and peaceful. Some of them do jobs we appreciate like keeping an eye on rodent populations. And some are venomous; they are poison. Social media is great. It’s an opportunity to experience the world in a larger way; to … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Vivid

The memories are as vivid as black and white, as stark as night and day, and as real as skin and bone. I don’t remember my grade school teachers, but I remember the horses that were in our pasture. Like pencil marks on the door frame, I measured my height against their shoulders to guess … Read more