Weekly Photo Challenge: Connected.



Most of us see herd dominance as a line–alpha to the “bottom.” It’s a limited one-dimensional view. When was any life ever that simple?

Too much notice is given to differences. In the barn herd, members are connected, even as individuality blossoms. Opposites attract. Temperaments change over the years. Alliances come and go. And when someone separates, the entire herd feels that loss.

You already know the next part, right?

Anna Blake, Infinity Farm.

(WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo- I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life here on the Colorado prairie. My photos are taken with my phone, on my farm. No psych, definitely not high tech.)


Weekly Photo Challenge: Monument

Humans build monuments to those we honor and respect. Simple love usually isn’t enough for monument status; it has to be a deed above and beyond the call. Monuments are erected to heroes, those who saved us from the unthinkable. We have no monuments at Infinity Farm, but if we did, I suspect it would … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie

What did you expect? It’s like truth in advertizing. There’s is usually a horse over my shoulder, or vice versa. Anna Blake, Infinity Farm. WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo- I enjoy twisting these macro prompts to share our micro life here on the Colorado prairie. My photos are taken … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: From Lines to Patterns

It’s an Equine Line. They do it a lot. They sleep in lines, walk in lines, graze in lines. Here two horses walk with Edgar Rice Burro, an equine cousin, trying to look as much like him as they can. Same ears, same eyes. Edgar is a bit of an inspiration around here, not just … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: A Day in My Life

Live a day in my life, walk a mile in my shoes, before you judge me. Well, judge sounds harsh, understand is a better word. But here is my day: Curiosity, communication and some manure. It’s a fair trade. Anna Blake, Infinity Farm. WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo- I … Read more

What’s Less Fun Than Saddle Shopping?

Nothing. Not a thing. I hate saddle shopping. It makes my head explode. I have a young mare just starting and I’ve tried to inspire an extremely ancient Wintec to survive long enough for her to finish growing. Well, we had a flat. Ever ridden on only one panel? Neither of us liked it much; … Read more

Weekly Photo Challenge: Silhouette

“God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again.” says Scarlett, in the movie Gone with the Wind, in silhouette. These two horses are not so dramatic, or hungry- but I do love a silhouette. Anna Blake, Infinity Farm. WordPress Photo Challenge is a weekly prompt to share a photo- I enjoy twisting these macro … Read more

Nope, it’s Me- I’m Too Sensitive (Part Two.)

“You know what your problem is? You’re too sensitive.” Ouch. Have you heard this? It feels like being accused of throwing like a girl. It’s dismissive. This definition of sensitive means I’m not dependable, that I’m an emotional liability. When I was younger, hearing this would make me defensive. My mind ran like a rat … Read more

Speed Dating Rescue Horses- and Slaughter.

“Hey, Little Red-haired Girl, I have your pony here!!!” Meet Bailey, my most recent date. If you follow my blog, you know I work with Ruby Ranch Horse Rescue. (RRHR.org) Rescue horses come to Infinity Farm- one at a time, for a 2 or 3 week stay. It’s a like speed dating! Two weeks isn’t enough … Read more

Part Three: Thanksgiving Every Day.

Christmas is bearing down, getting closer every day, and I continue to defiantly focus on Thanksgiving, a week away. I know- super human. When I started writing this Thanksgiving series with a Barn/Church analogy, I wanted to highlight the spiritual connection that can exist at the barn. Part one (read) was the Beginning Meditation/Grooming and … Read more

Equine Gastric Ulcers… and Sage.

I’ll call her Sage. Sage was a thoroughbred mare with classic elegance. A solid bay with a long neck and pointy withers. She was very feminine, not too tall, but she was proud. That’s who she was born to be -but what she looked like was very different. She was in a small stall the … Read more